Theatre Facts 1997: A Report on Practices and Performances in the American Nonprofit Theatre Based on Theatre Communications Group's Annual Fiscal Survey


Research Abstract
Theatre Facts 1997: A Report on Practices and Performances in the American Nonprofit Theatre Based on Theatre Communications Group's Annual Fiscal Survey

While this year's Theatre Facts once again provides an analysis of the financial, attendance and performance activity of nonprofit theatres in America, there is a key difference. For most theatres, the 1997 figures can not be compared to those of years past. The focus of the 1997 survey has shifted from operating funds to all unrestricted funds to verify financial data with audits, in keeping with the new Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) reporting standards.

New questions were posed to take advantage of the opportunities presented by the FASB changes in reporting. The 1997 fiscal survey included balance sheet data on assets, liabilities and net assets. The expense section of the survey asked for more detailed information on marketing, development, production and occupancy. Single ticket income was broken out into a variety of areas. We gathered information on audience development activity such as subscription renewal rates and number of types of ticket packages offered.

Theatres provided information on their sources of dramatic material as well as information on the types of activity that they most value. Not every TCG member theatre responds fully to the annual survey. In this report, we present three sets of analyses which correspond to three levels of survey participation, as depicted in the Breakdown of Participating Theatres figure at right.

First, we examine the TCG Survey Universe, an overview of 197 theatres that provided some key fiscal, attendance and performance information. This section provides the broadest snapshot of the industry. From this Survey Universe of theatres, we provide an in-depth industry analysis of 123 Profiled Theatres that responded to the comprehensive 13-page 1997 survey. Lastly, we present three-year trends for 81 Tracked Theatres of the 123 Profiled Theatres that have participated in the annual survey for each of the past three years. (p. 2)

CONTENTS: Note on Methodology. Two new and useful acronyms. The Survey Universe (the 197 theatres in the survey universe). Profiled theatres. Earned income. The 123 profiled theatres. Expenses. The 123 profiled theatres. Contributed income and CUNA. The 123 profiled theatres. Attendance, pricing and performances. The 123 profiled theatres.

Theatre Facts Index. The balance sheet. The 110 theatres that completed the balance sheet section of the survey. Group profiles. Trend analysis of tracked theatres. Expenses. For the 81 tracked theatres. Attendance and performance. Conclusion. Methodology. List of 1997 Profiled Theatres.

While this year's Theatre Facts once again provides an analysis of the financial, attendance and performance activity of nonprofit theatres in America, there is a key difference. For most theatres, the 1997 figures can not be compared to those of years past. The focus of the 1997 survey has shifted from operating funds to all unrestricted funds to verify financial data with audits, in keeping with the new Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) reporting standards.

Voss, Zannie Giraud; Voss, Glenn B.; Dineen, Jennifer; and Guido, Judith Cooper

Theatre Communications Group
520 8th Avenue, 24th Floor
New York
NY, 10018-4156