Theatre Facts 2002: A Report on Practices and Performance in the American Nonprofit Theatre Based on TCG's Annual Fiscal Survey


Research Abstract
Theatre Facts 2002: A Report on Practices and Performance in the American Nonprofit Theatre Based on TCG's Annual Fiscal Survey

"For the 28th year, Theatre Communications Group publishes Theatre Facts, an annual update on the field's attendance, performance and fiscal health, based on information provided by theatres that participate in the annual TCG fiscal survey."

"This report, Theatre Facts 2002, found that while individual contributions increased nearly 48 percent over the past five years, the overall change in unrestricted net assets declined 18 percent over the same period. In addition, virtually every category of expense rose at double-digit rates and severe capital losses eroded the theatres' ability to cover expenses, causing 54 percent of the theaters to end fiscal year 2002 with a deficit.

Although the financial trends were poor, the report did have some bright spots: total attendance increased 17 percent over the five-year period; the average number of education programs more than tripled from 1998 to 2002; the number of weeks that actors were employed rose 11 percent over the five-year period; and ticket prices rose just 7 percent for subscription prices and 3 percent for single-ticket prices. In addition, the authors estimate that theatres contributed more than $1.4 billion to the U.S. economy during fiscal year 2002, offering 157,000 performances that attracted more than 32 million patrons and employing 109,000 artists, administrators, and technicians."

Report may be available online at:

For the 28th year, Theatre Communications Group publishes Theatre Facts, an annual update on the field's attendance, performance and fiscal health, based on information provided by theatres that participate in the annual TCG fiscal survey.

Voss, Zannie Giraud and Voss, Glenn B.
21 p.

Theatre Communications Group
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