Towards a Gestault of Cultural Economics


Research Abstract
Towards a Gestault of Cultural Economics

Paper presented at the Third International Conference on Cultural Economics and Planning held April 25-28, 1984 in Akron, Ohio.

The author comments on the articles by Robert Ebert, Demand and Changing Market Structure in the Keyboard Industry; and Laurence Vittes, The Classical Music Industry. The author makes the following statement:

Cultural economics faces a dilemma. It takes two diverse milieu, economics and the arts, and attempts to blend their differing and conflicting values; money and aesthetics. I anticipated papers which would attempt to deal forthrightly with this dilemma. I was disappointed. Both papers deal with interesting and relevant topics, yet the author of one appears to suffer from quantitative myopia. (p. 210)

Paper presented at the Third International Conference on Cultural Economics and Planning held April 25-28, 1984 in Akron, Ohio.

Conference Paper/Presentation
DeLay, Lynne
December, 1983

Association for Cultural Economics