What You Need to Know: Music Education


One Pagers
What You Need to Know: Music Education

Anyone who has ever been involved in music education as a parent, teacher, or student knows first-hand that music is a powerful force for growth and development for young people in the home, school or community. We know that music has demonstrated positive effects that go well beyond the classroom and transcend into college, career, and life.

We also know that it is up to all of us as advocates and citizens to do everything we can to support the benefits of music education for all students and young people in every school and community, particularly for those youth and communities that are often marginalized in our society today.

Lastly, we know that supporting music education takes work—but it is work that can be carried out effectively by many types of supporters through following a few simple steps to become an effective advocate for equitable access to music education for America’s learners.

An issue brief hosted in the Arts Education Navigator for advocates to gain foundational knowledge, concrete examples, and sample policy asks to become an effective advocate for music education


Poulin, Jeff M.
Arts EducationNavigator
August 2018

Americans for the Arts
1000 Vermont Ave., NW 6th Floor
DC, 20005