Why Do People Attend The Arts Infographic


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Why Do People Attend The Arts Infographic

Three reports from the National Endowment for the Arts reveal new findings about the impact of arts and cultural industries on GDP, as well as how and why Americans participate in certain arts activities. The data for the three reports is all from 2012, so for the first time the NEA can show a comprehensive view of a single year in the life of the arts and cultural sector from three different angles: supply, demand, and motivations for consumer behavior. The new information will help arts providers and others more effectively understand and develop strategies to engage individuals and communities in the arts. To suppor these three reports the NEA created an infographic using data from each report to highligh some key findings. The three reports are:

The Why Do People Attend The Arts Infographic was created from the report When Going Gets Tough: Barriers and Motivations Affecting Arts Attendance.

The Why Do People Attend The Arts Infographic was created by the National Edowment fo rthe Arts from their report When Going Gets Tough: Barriers and Motivatons Affecting Arts Attendance.


National Edowment for the Arts
January 2015

National Edowment for the Arts
400 7th Street, SW
DC, 20506
United States