Youngstown State University and the Perception of Symphony Orchestras


One Pagers
Youngstown State University and the Perception of Symphony Orchestras

This study examines factors that influence the behavior of Youngstown State University (YSU) students in the consumption of music as an art. The specific art of interest is symphony orchestras; for the purpose of this study, the region within a 2-hour radius of YSU is considered as a market for symphony orchestras. A random sample of Youngstown State University students was used to assess the behavior of all YSU students toward the consumption of symphony orchestras.

A questionnaire was designed to identify the factors that might influence YSU students in their consumption of symphony orchestra music. The results of this survey thus uncovers the primary reasons why students may not choose to attend these concerts, such as high ticket prices, not being informed of events, and lack of interest. In addition, these results assist arts administrators, educators, musicians, and other producers of symphony orchestra music to identify business operations that may be points of concern, such as program content and marketing strategies.


The market for symphony orchestras and universities is closely examined by assessing the behavior of Yougstown State Univeristy students and their consumption of the art form. The study investigates factors that may influence Youngstown State University students in their consumption, such as poor marketing of events, alternative forms of entertainment, and high ticket prices.


Grimes, Madeline
November 2015