Your Roles and Responsibilities as a Board Member


Research Abstract
Your Roles and Responsibilities as a Board Member

Board members can be successful strategic leaders if they nurture their sense of group responsibility. All members must participate in the discipline and productivity of the group. All members must be willing to challenge and urge each other on to big dreams, lucid values, and fidelity to their trusteeship. All members must cherish diversity in viewpoints as well as the challenge of reaching an unambiguous, single board position derived from that diversity. All members must strive for accountability in the board's job, confident that if quality dwells in the boardroom, the rest of the organization will take care of itself.

Each board member carries important individual responsibilies in this pursuit of quality. These responsibilities are often written as a job description for board members. In this CarverGuide, we will describe the essentials of the board member's job, as determined by the Policy Governance model. But first, to make the job fully understandable, we must examine the board's gopvernance process.

The Governance Process.
The Basic Board Job Description.
Optional Board Products.
Policy Governance is not a Hands off model.
A Board Member's approach to the job.

Board members can be successful strategic leaders if they nurture their sense of group responsibility. All members must participate in the discipline and productivity of the group. All members must be willing to challenge and urge each other on to big dreams, lucid values, and fidelity to their trusteeship. All members must cherish diversity in viewpoints as well as the challenge of reaching an unambiguous, single board position derived from that diversity. All members must strive for accountability in the board's job, confident that if quality dwells in the boardroom, the rest of the organization will take care of itself.

Carver, John and Carver, Miriam Mayhew
16 p.
December, 1995

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