Leading the Relevance Conversation in Your Community

Fall 2014 Arts Marketing Digital Classroom

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Marketing often focuses on the wrong questions. Much of the marketing conversation focuses on measuring how many people are being exposed to your organization’s message rather than measuring how engaging your message actually is in your community. Does impact rely on your organizations reach? Efforts at gauging impact are too often focused on questions like “how many shares has your content received?” “How many impressions have you made across your digital platforms?” Or “how many people are attending your events?”

This webinar series focuses on reframing the conversation surrounding relevance as a question of the quality of the experiences and messaging your organization provides your community rather than the quantity of people you bring through your doors or expose to your brand—all with the aim of building a reputation of relevance that is truly sustainable.  By understanding the larger conversations that matter to your audience, you can maintain your organization’s relevance by honing your brand’s unique voice and creating programming that allows your audience to engage each other, listen, and contribute to the conversations shaping your community’s identity.  

In these four digital classrooms, learn to read your local landscape, create quality programming that contributes to the larger community conversation, craft a marketing strategy that creates a space for that conversation, and measure your impact by listening to your audience in order to create an engagement model that lasts.

Keeping an Ear to the Ground: Reading Relevance in Your Community

Webinar: Monday, September 15 – 2pm ET
Call: Monday, September 22 – 3pm ET  

Speaker: Donna Williams, Chief Audience Development Officer for The Metropolitan Museum of Art

What sets your community abuzz? Who are the power players in deciding relevance in your community? Where can you tap in to those conversations in a way that allows your organization to be an ambassador for the creative perspective in your community? This webinar explores best practices for listening and staying relevant by identifying prominent voices and themes in your community.

Conversations that Matter: Reflecting Your Audience’s Identity in Your Programming

Webinar: Monday, September 29 – 3pm ET
Call: Monday, October 6th – 3pm ET

Speaker: Jack Reuler, Founder Mixed Blood Theater Company

After learning the foundations of how to listen for relevant topics in your community, you must translate that information into exhibitions, events, and education programs that will help create a space for your audience to explore their identity--as a collective and as individuals. Without straying too far from you brand this webinar offers specific steps to adapt your programming in the interest of relevance.

Selling Relevance: How to Develop a Marketing Strategy as a
Community Cultural Ambassador

Webinar: Monday, October 20 – 3pm ET
Call: Friday, October, October 24 – 3pm ET

Speaker: Stacy Lucier, Marketing Manager for the Oakland Museum of California

Once you understand your organization’s relevance in your community and create programming that is representative of that unique space, it’s critical to create a marketing strategy that invites your audience to participate in community conversation through the unique lens your organization offers as a cultural ambassador.  This third webinar explores marketing strategies that invite audiences in by harnessing the unique role of arts organizations in providing a space for creativity and cultural introspection.

Measuring Relevance in Terms of Quality of Experience Rather than
Quantity of Impressions

Webinar: Monday October 27 – 3pm ET
Call: Monday, November 3rd – 3pm ET

Speaker: Deeksha Gaur, Director of Marketing and Public Relations at Wholly Mammoth Theatre Company

In the digital age, so much of the marketing conversation focuses on measuring relevance as the size of your organization’s voice--socially, digitally, you name it. This fourth and final webinar builds upon the notion of sustainable relevance as understanding your organization’s unique voice in your community and leveraging that voice to provide quality experiences to your audience. Instead of simply measuring your marketing and brand reach, we will explore different methods for gauging the quality of experience your organization offers. If you can measure how well you are reading your community’s voice, you can better reflect that voice in the cultural experience your organization offers while building an engagement model that lasts.


*Note: Class and call dates are subject to change based on presenter availability.