This is the first webinar in a series of three short "Board Training Week" webinars held on concurrent days in one week. To register for the entire series please visit the series registration page.

This is the second webinar in a series of three short "Board Training Week" webinars held on concurrent days in one week. To register for the entire series please visit the series registration page.

We are launching our first Rural and Small Communities Webinar Week.  Join us for these 45 minute webinars and learn ways that rural and small communities are using the arts as tools for community revitalization and placemaking.

Do you need some new tools in your chest to help with economic development in your community? What are ways that small and rural communities are using the arts to help economic stability and growth in their communities? Learn some new ways to talk about the arts and the economy. Hear from communities about some of the successful economic development strategies they have used like artists relocation, cultural districts, historic tax credits, etc.

This is the third and final webinar in a series of three webinars in our "Community Development in Rural Communities" series held on concurrent days in one week. To register for the entire series please visit the series registration page.

Do you find yourself looking for resources for your organization? Where do you look? What's new in resource development? How can you improve your skills and create more resources for your organizations? Join us as we help you learn about new ways to find resources and create new opportunities.

This webinar will discuss current trends in philanthropy and new ideas for developing resources for your organization.

How can you create a more dynamic and effective board in the local arts field? During this webinar you will learn successful techniques to align the priorities of the organization with the community's leadership and talent and how to strengthen board members' role as an executive leader in their organization and community.

Join us as we welcome staff from the National  Endowment for the Arts (NEA) Local Arts Agencies / Challenge America Fast-Track programs who discuss local arts agency funding trends and opportunities at the NEA. We will also discuss the upcoming  local arts agency census that Americans for the Arts will be conducting in collaboration with the NEA. Learn about this comprehensive survey designed to benchmark the financial health and programmatic trends of the richly varied, highly diverse, and extremely important work of the nation’s 5,000 LAAs and the communities they serve.

Driven by increased global connectivity and changing domestic demographics leading to more diverse communities, international cultural engagement is happening in our own neighborhoods through community efforts and the support of local arts agencies. This webinar will demonstrate how local arts agencies, through the support of their communities and stakeholders, are acting as bridge builders of international connections to achieve their full potential as catalysts towards mutual understanding.

In celebration of our 50th anniversary, Americans for the Arts Action Fund is launching the "50 States 50 Days" initiative.  Beginning in late July to coincide with the Congressional Recess, this national campaign seeks to expand our network of arts advocacy leaders across the country.  This webinar is designed to recruit local leaders to host gatherings back home with their members of Congress on the importance of the arts and arts education.  Participants on this webinar will learn about our new Toolkit to help plan and organize their visit

In this webinar we will hear from art and transportation experts who will review current MAP-21 legislation outlining transportation enhancement funding. Presenters will cover a range of project types that serve as models for implementation in your community.

What difference can 150 artists' projects make for businesses and neighborhoods during a big community disruption? And, how can we identify, substantiate and illuminate that value? This webinar offers strategies to gauge cumulative and longer-term social effects of creative work.  Learn ways to track and report the impact of small and multiple projects that add up to real change.

Arts leaders from communities across the country are working with their colleagues from neighboring areas to share marketing resources that build awareness of the vast cultural assets and advance tourism within their region.  During this webinar we will hear from leaders from the Arts & Humanities Council of Montgomery County, Cultural Alliance of Greater Washington and Arlington Cultural Affairs who are working together to drive economic benefits and visibility to the arts and culture within the Maryland, Washington, DC and Virginia region.

Join us for a presentation discussing best practices for local arts agencies when working with teaching artists and vice versa. The webinar will include managing mutual expectations, contracts, and more.

Leveraging Investments in Creativity (LINC) was launched in 2003 as a 10-year national initiative to improve support systems for American artists. By design, the program sunsets this year. Hear from current LINC grantees about best practices and innovations in local artists support.


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