Art is a fundamental commodity of humanity. The arts and business are intricately linked and I firmly believe that one does not exist without the other. As an artist, arts entrepreneur, curator, and arts administrator who grew up and remains immersed in the economic and community development and small business world, I clearly see this truth which has played out in many ways in my lifetime.

"The partnerships between business and the arts are essential–our sector provides the creative capital and business provides the capital investment that makes the project a go. I don’t think I’ve ever initiated a major new program without the support of the business sector. The arts are the entrepreneurs of creativity–unlike any other sector, the arts create programs that touch almost every aspect of community life in substantive, meaningful, long lasting ways. Businesses are often looking for creative, impactful programs in which to invest.

“At a time when innovative thinking, creative problem solving, and flexibility are highly valued and needed to succeed in today’s economy, the arts provide the most powerful methods for developing these abilities. COCA is focused on developing programming at the intersection of arts + education + business. We are accomplishing this through our COCAbiz division, and by working with committed community partners such as Boeing to provide innovative and immersive in-school STEM to STEAM residencies in St. Louis schools.”

“I believe Art has the power to change lives. The Arts breathe color and passion into cities and in Louisville, Kentucky that vibrancy is made possible through strong corporate partnerships. Corporate and creative find a unified voice, a more educated workforce, and a growing economy through collaboration and investment. In short, when business values the Arts, communities thrive.”


“My parents signed me up for violin lessons when I was six years old, and since that time the arts have been one of the most powerful and meaningful influences in my life. The arts inspire, provoke, heal, and educate - challenging us to think and act in new ways. In the Puget Sound, arts and business are inextricably linked at the core of the innovation and creativity for which the region is renowned. Each sector supports the other, and together make this community an extraordinary place to live, work, and play.”

"As an artist who went on to law school, I enjoy my role at the Arts & Business Council because it allows me to keep one foot in the arts community and one in the business community as we encourage more partnerships.  Whether through programs that empower artists to create more sustainable careers or that show businesses how they can engage first-hand with the arts, all of our work connects back to a fundamental belief in the importance of the role artists play in a community."

“As CEO of the Arts & Business Council of Miami, it energizes me every day to serve as a thought leader and guide to link business with the arts, inspire creativity, and develop innovations for profitable partnerships with the 500+ arts groups we serve. For 30 years the Arts & Business Council has made Miami’s art scene bigger, better, and more professional by delivering sustainable solutions to keep the arts in business.

“Each day is more wondrous and rewarding because I experience it through the arts.”

A Year of Arts & Business pARTnerships in Review

Monday, December 14, 2015

“Each day is more wondrous and rewarding because I experience it through the arts.” When The Related Group Chairman and CEO Jorge Pérez said these words on October 6 at the BCA 10 gala at the Central Park Boathouse in New York City while accepting the 2015 BCA Leadership Award, he verbalized a sentiment which most of the business executives in the room shared.

How can I join the Business Volunteers for the Arts® Network?

To join the BVA Network, you simply need to be an organizational member of Americans for the Arts and have a vested interest in engaging employees through the arts, or doing so in the future. In doing this, you will have access to webinars, conference calls, and tool-kits that will assist you in determining what program is best. Americans for the Arts staff is also available for ongoing consultation and support, which you can reach by emailing [email protected].

Each year the BCA 10 honors ten businesses that have been exceptional partners with the arts. These companies set the standard of excellence and serve as role models for other businesses to follow. Hear directly from 2015 honorees about why they partner with the arts and learn how to create successful partnerships with the businesses in your community.

This webinar will focus on organizations and groups seeking to engage businesses by engaging their employees through the arts. Employee engagement is an increasingly important strategy in the business world to boost efficiency, stimluate creative thinking, increase morale, and more. What better way to do this than through the arts? We'll hear from two leaders in the country about the various ways arts organizations can enhance the experience of business employees through the arts, and build better partnerships between the arts and business sectors as a result.


Businesses often promote volunteerism as one of the key elements of employee engagement and arts organizations are looking for ways to increase involvement with skilled volunteers. Learn practical strategies on how to build and fund a successful volunteer program in your community. 


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