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Americans for the Arts recognizes that many existing systems of power grant privilege and access unequally, and that equity is crucial to the long-term viability of both the arts and culture sector and communities-at-large. In keeping with our Statement on Cultural Equity, we are working to ensure that everyone has equal access to a full, vibrant creative life, which is essential to a healthy and democratic society. As an extension of that work, we have launched the Equity Resource Center.

OUR COMMITMENT: Read our Cultural Equity statement, learn more about the progress we have been making, and information on our extended work.

EQUITY CONSULTANTS DIRECTORY: A crowdsourced directory and community resource to lead you in connecting with a consultant that will best help your organization's cultural equity work.

FIELD RESOURCES: A one-stop shop for resources available to help you and your organization on the equity journey.

WEBINARS AND E-LEARNING: A current round-up of digital offerings to explore.

TAKE ACTION: Dive deeper into resources that can help spark change in your work and discover opportunities to get involved or learn more about current cultural equity initatives and movements. 

LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT: Learn more about programs and support through the Diversity in Arts Leadership program and the Arts and Culture Leaders of Color Fellowship. Also learn more about the Arts and Culture Leaders of Color Network.

Have a resource to share? Email [email protected].

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