National Endowment for the Arts Publishes Report on Artists’ Use of Technology as a Creative Medium

Monday, July 12, 2021

Cover of report with eight hexagonal images in the left corner

The National Endowment for the Arts recently published Tech as Art: Supporting Artists Who Use Technology as a Creative Medium, a report focused on artists and organizations working with digital technologies. 

Linda Lombardi

Member Spotlight: Ernest Disney-Britton

Posted by Linda Lombardi, Jul 12, 2021

Linda Lombardi

Since its inception, the Arts Council of Indianapolis has provided programs and services to the citizens of central Indiana, and to hundreds of artists and arts organizations. Vice President of Community Impact and Investment Ernest Disney-Britton’s areas of focus include grantmaking, arts education, impact research, and equity partnerships. He provides support for arts organizations and individuals who apply for grant and fellowship funding through the Annual Grant Program, Creative Renewal Arts Fellowship, Robert D. Beckmann Jr. Emerging Artist Fellowship, and Transformational Impact Fellowship. Additionally, he coordinates the Any Given Child Indy program that is creating a long-range arts education plan for students in grades K-8 in Indianapolis Public Schools.

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Weekly Web Roundup: July 9, 2021

Friday, July 9, 2021

Logo for the American Rescue Plan

This week we’ve got expert advice on how to apply for American Rescue Plan grants from the NEA and scoop on the legislative amendments that might have scuttled future federal funding for arts in transit projects. Plus: Congress wants to increase the NEA’s budget by how much?! Catch up on this and much more in our weekly roundup!

Increased Funding For National Arts and Culture Agencies Passes Full U.S. House Appropriations Committee

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Logo for the House Committee on Appropriations

On July 1, the U.S. House Appropriations Committee voted to accept the Interior Subcommittee’s fiscal year (FY) 2022 funding bill, granting Biden Administration’s funding request of $201 million for the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA). The bill also includes $201 million for the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) to keep the agencies funded in tandem.

Applications Open for Arts and Culture Relief Funds from the American Rescue Plan

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Graphic that reads “Apply for American Rescue Plan grants, Rebuilding the Creative Community” with the NEA logo, two photos of groups on stage repeated four times in different colors, and the URL

The National Endowment for the Arts has announced two new grant program guidelines to distribute approximately $80 million in American Rescue Plan funds directly to nonprofit arts and culture organizations and to local arts agencies to subgrant deeper into communities across the country. Applicants for this new grant program will not have to be a previous NEA grantee to be eligible to apply. 

President’s FY 2022 Budget Request Shows Big Arts Support

Cultural Agencies See Big Potential Increases

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Text logo that reads "Budget of the U.S. Government"

On May 28, the administration released its fiscal year (FY) 2022 budget request, which calls for the largest requested increase in the history of the National Endowment for the Art (NEA)—a $201 million budget. This is a $33.5 million increase over FY 2021 levels for the NEA!

Laura Callanan

How America’s Arts Organizations Can Invest Their Values

Posted by Laura Callanan, May 20, 2021

Laura Callanan

Following the strong, public statements of solidarity with Black Lives Matter that cultural institutions across the country made in Summer 2020, museums, artist-endowed foundations, and other arts organizations began to look inward, identifying all the ways their commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and access can be lived in their day-to-day activities. This has prompted endowed cultural organizations to seriously evaluate whether their investment decisions reflect their values, and to begin the journey to align their money with mission and purpose. Such a reflection is a natural outgrowth of recent debates over accepting donations earned through the sale of opioids, fossil fuels, weapons, and the operation of private prisons. It also recognizes that Next Generation art donors and foundations that fund the arts—many of whom are impact investors themselves—are beginning to evaluate an arts organization’s investments alongside its programs and policies when deciding where to give. America’s museums, libraries, art schools, performing art centers, and other cultural institutions steward more than $58 billion in financial assets through their endowments. This means investment policies and practices offer a meaningful way for cultural institutions to signal their values of diversity, equity, inclusion and access.

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First Phase of American Rescue Plan Funding from the National Endowment for the Arts Announced

Thursday, April 29, 2021

A graphic illustration featuring various buildings, sculptures, and groups of people against a red background.

The National Endowment for the Arts has announced more than $52 million in funding for state and jurisdictional arts agencies and regional arts organizations, the first recommended awards of the American Rescue Plan (ARP). These funds are designed to support the arts sector as it recovers from the devastating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Congressional Testimony Calls for Increased National Endowment for the Arts Funding in FY 2022

Americans for the Arts Interim President and CEO General Nolen Bivens (U.S. Army Ret.) makes the ask of no less than $176 million for FY 2022—at least an $8.5 million increase over FY 2021 funding

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

The National Endowment for the Arts logo

Americans for the Arts Interim President and CEO General Nolen Bivens (U.S. Army Ret.) submitted official testimony to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies to support federal funding for the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) at no less than $176 million for FY 2022—at least an $8.5 million increase over FY 2021 funding. This ask matches the most recent highpoint of NEA funding of $176 million in FY 1992.

Ms. Christina Ritchie

Activating Support for the Arts from Donor Advised Funds

Posted by Ms. Christina Ritchie, Apr 20, 2021

Ms. Christina Ritchie

Philanthropists around the country are trying to make an outsize difference during the COVID-19 crisis with an initiative called #HalfMyDAF. The group, founded by Jennifer and David Risher, has banded together to offer matching challenge grants when others join them in committing to distribute at least half of the money in their Donor Advised Fund accounts to charities. The initiative spurred the distribution of $8.6 million in DAF distributions that were matched by $1.8 million in matching grants in 2020. So far $3.1 million is available in matching grants for 2021, but those funds will support the arts only if arts philanthropists step up to participate. Below is the story of one arts organization that benefitted from the initiative in 2020, Ashland New Plays Festival, which received a matching grant that provided a significant additional financial boost in a difficult year. Could this growing movement do even more for the arts in 2021?

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Weekly Web Roundup: March 19, 2021

Friday, March 19, 2021

A detail of the artwork shows an upside down bridge tower and the purple dot-matrix pattern of the artwork.

It’s been a difficult and painful week for the Asian American and Pacific Islander communities, and an important one for struggling artists and arts organizations seeking help from the newly established American Rescue Plan. Plus: tips and trends for arts advocacy in 2021, preserving arts spaces during COVID, exploring boundaries through public art, and defining the “inclusive creative economy.”

Mr. Clayton W. Lord

10 Trends that Will Impact Arts, Culture, and the Creative Economy in 2021

Posted by Mr. Clayton W. Lord, Mar 16, 2021

Mr. Clayton W. Lord

About this time last year, Americans for the Arts staff put our heads together to create a “Trends in 2020” blog post. We didn’t anticipate an economy-grinding pandemic, which has devastatingly shaped everything this past year, but we did hit some of the other trends that occurred—demographic change, rising division and distrust, shifts towards equity, the fight over who would get to vote and political power, and the primacy of data. Across the arts field, most of us would agree that 2020 was a humbling, surprising, traumatic, and frustratingly unpredictable year. While trend forecasting in this moment is a tricky business, understanding what might be coming around the bend is crucial to our success as a field, particularly as we navigate such a volatile time. Who knows, honestly, what 2021 will bring—but the staff at Americans for the Arts got together (virtually, this time) and here’s what we’ve come up with—10 trends that we think will impact arts, culture, and the creative economy in 2021.

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Weekly Web Roundup: March 12, 2021

Friday, March 12, 2021

A dancer dressed in white waves a large red cloth in the air in front of a concrete wall adorned with spray painted graffiti written in Japanese characters.

This week: what the newly-signed American Rescue Plan means for the arts and culture sector, a hopeful dance project bearing witness to nuclear disaster, the contributions craft can bring to a community, and research on the disproportionate impact of the pandemic on women—especially in the arts field.

Americans for the Arts and Americans for the Arts Action Fund React to Passage of American Rescue Plan

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Americans for the Arts logo

Brigadier General Nolen Bivens (ret.), Interim President and CEO of Americans for the Arts, and Nina Ozlu Tunceli, Executive Director of the Americans for the Arts Action Fund (Arts Action Fund), released a statement in response to the passage of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.

Ms. Ruby Lopez Harper

Not just now, but always. Funders must center equity.

Posted by Ms. Ruby Lopez Harper, Mar 01, 2021

Ms. Ruby Lopez Harper

The last year brought forward a spotlight on existing disparities in communities of color—access to health care, financial stability and generational wealth, and the ever-present public health crisis that is racism. In fact, communities of color have been significantly more affected by the pandemic itself and artists who are Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) have been more negatively impacted by the pandemic than white artists, including higher rates of unemployment (69% vs. 60%) and the expectation of losing a larger percentage of their 2020 income (61% vs. 56%). Funders of all types, especially local and state arts agencies, must center access and equitable distribution of resources to fully support their whole community. Now is the time to consider how to restructure programs, build stronger relationships, and include communities of color, LGBTQIA+ communities, and the disability community in crafting solutions.

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Weekly Web Roundup: Feb. 5, 2021

Friday, February 5, 2021

Sean Baker, a high school student, sits in front of two computer screens conducting a video interview with Randy Cohen of Americans for the Arts.

In case you missed it this week: applications are open for the 2021 Jorge and Darlene Pérez Prize in Public Art & Civic Design, new research reaffirms the power of the arts in promoting mental health and wellness, and a student filmmaker's story of creating a documentary on the plight of artists and creative workers during the coronavirus pandemic.

Nation’s United Arts Funds Raise $73.9 Million for Arts & Culture in 2020

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Americans for the Arts is pleased to announce the release of the 2020 Statistical Report on Campaign Revenues of the Nation’s United Arts Funds during the Fiscal Years 2019 and 2020. During a singularly difficult year, UAFs rose to the challenge to secure needed funds for their communities, reporting aggregate 2020 campaign revenue of $73.9 million.


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