Author(s): Cohen, Randy
Date of Publication: May 2020

Local arts agencies—arts councils, arts commissionscultural affairs departments—are an essential tool for community leaders as they rebuild their economies and promote social cohesion. The nation’s 4,500 local arts agencies (LAAs) support, present, and promote the dynamic value of the arts. Through their partnerships and leadership, LAAs are building healthier communities through the arts.

Author(s): Cohen, Randy
Date of Publication: March 2020

The arts are fundamental to our humanity. They ennoble and inspire us—fostering creativity, goodness, and beauty. The arts bring us joy, help us express our values, and build bridges between cultures. The arts are also a fundamental component of a healthy community—strengthening them socially, educationally, and economically—benefits that persist even in difficult social and economic times.

Author(s): Cornfield, Daniel B. PhD, Skaggs, Rachel E., Barna, Elizabeth K., Jordan, Megan L., and Robinson, Megan E.
Date of Publication: Jun 06, 2018

In this paper the authors document regional differences in the approaches taken by 55 major U.S. LAAs to the dual mission of pursuing cultural equity and civic engagement and assess the policy implications of the globalization thesis. In making this assessment, they present a university-community partnership (UCP) model for augmenting LAA pursuits of the dual equity-engagement mission.

Author(s): Thurow, Lester C.
Date of Publication: Jun 30, 2000

The shift to an era of man-made brain-power industries is creating the technologies that are creating a global economy.

Author(s): The American Assembly
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 2001

This report resulted from the 100th American Assembly entitled Art, Technology, and Intellectual Property.

Author(s): Hans Mommaas
Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

This paper explores and discusses the fairly recent phenomenon of cultural clustering strategies in the Netherlands.

Author(s): Cummings, Milton C. Jr. and Katz, Richard S.
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 1988

This essay summarizes some of the major generalizations that emerged from a book we recently edited, The Patron State: Government and the arts in Europe, North America and Japan. The essay was originally published in the book Who's to Pay for the Arts?: The International Search for Models of Arts Support by Milton C. Commings, Jr.

Author(s): Healy, Kieran
Date of Publication: Jul 01, 2002

In this article I review and evaluate recent work that argues for the rising importance of the cultural sector, and creativity in general, in the context of the new economy.

Author(s): Cabrera, Rosa M.
Date of Publication: Jun 02, 2015

Excerpted from Arts & America: Arts, Culture, and the Future of America’s Communities. This essay looks at the role of arts in political activism and immigration over the next 10 to 15 years. The

Author(s): Tresser, Tom
Date of Publication: Oct 31, 2003

Chicago: Arts & Commerce - A Dynamic 21st Century Economy is the fifth in a series of nine articles on the Creative Economy.

Author(s): Feigenbaum, Harvey B.
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2001

The Center for Arts and Culture has published a year-long series of issue papers entitled Art, Culture, and the National Agenda to demonstrate how public policy decisions affect our nation's cultural life. This paper, the fourth in the series, looks at trade, cultural diplomacy, and foreign policy implications of globalization.

Author(s): Venturelli, Shalini
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2001

The Center for Arts and Culture has published a year-long series of issue papers entitled Art, Culture, and the National Agenda to demonstrate how public policy decisions affect our nation's cultural life. In this paper, the first in the series, the author insists that public policy be repositioned in this time of globalization of the Information Economy and the internationalization of cyberspace.

Author(s): Weiping Wu
Date of Publication: Feb 11, 2005

The author focuses on how urban policies and the clustering of creative industries has influenced urban outcomes. The set of creative industries include those with output protectable under some form of intellectual property law. More specifically, this sub-sector encompasses software, multimedia, video games, industrial design, fashion, publishing, and research and development

Author(s): Greffe, Xavier; Pflieger, Sylvie; Noya, Antonella
Date of Publication: Jan 11, 2005

Published by the OECD. Building on recent international case studies, Culture and Local Development shows how public policies can foster culture as a lever for local economic development in terms of partnerships, tax relief, and other innovative instruments. The book also sets out the implications for national governments in the fields of education and intellectual property rights.

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