Author(s): Moskin, Bill and Guettler, Sandy
Date of Publication: Dec 01, 1995

America's cultural organizations and the travel and tourism industry are forging an effective partnership that contributes substantially to the growth of our economy. The breadth, scope and vitality of this collaboration - and above all, its potential for future expansion - are not as well understood, or capitalized upon, as they should be. For that reason the President's Committee decided to commission Exploring America Through Its Culture. Our report is intended to call attention to the economic significance of this partnership and to suggest ways it can be strenghthened. In

Author(s): Benn, Danielle and Hughes, Howard
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1997

In this article, evidence relating to the perceived significance and overall provision of seaside entertainment in contemporary Britain is reviewed. If, as is claimed, entertainment is influential in the fortunes of seaside resorts, it is necessary to consider the supply of that product. In particular, we assess the nature and extent of live entertainment in one seaside resort, along with prospects for its future.

Author(s): McCarthy, Bridget Beattie
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1991

Cultural tourism has been accepted by the museum field as a beneficial development, but many remain unaware of how best to implement plans to develop tourist audiences. This book is for them; it decribes the connections to be made and how to effect them through long-term planning. Includes listing of contact organizations in the tourism field. (Publisher catalog)

Author(s): Garfield, Donald
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1996

This executive summary details the regional cultural tourism leadership forums held during 1996-1997. It examines the policy trends, strategies, and state action steps coming out of the forums, and highlights the best practices in building partnerships in the cultural and tourism industries. The forums and this publication are a response to the White House Conference on Travel and Tourism. (Publisher catalog)

Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

Author(s): Yankelovich, Skelly and White
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1974

Author(s): Yankelovich, Skelly and White
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1982

Author(s): Villani, John
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1997

Small art towns have come to epitomize rural cultural coolness because who wouldn't want to visit a lively, open-minded town. In this book you'll find communities across the and Canada that are attracting a new wave of cultural tourists, immigrant artists, culturally minded retirees, art gallery owners, musicians, mobile career professionals, theater directors, restaurateurs, arts festival promoters and coffee bar entrepreneurs.

Author(s): Hahn, Lisa
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1993

It is time to view the economics of the arts through the lens of cultural tourism, a subject that has been touched on only lightly in previous literature. It links itself readily to the themes of education and community and the arts, and may present some of the most hopeful news for the support of the arts at a time when other means of paying for cultural programs are becoming scarce.

Author(s): American Council for the Arts
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1980

In October 1980, several hundred people from across the and Canada assembled in Toronto for a conference focused upon a $214 billion industry - tourism. The conference, entitled The Arts & Tourism: A Profitable Partnership, marked the first time that arts and tourism representatives had assembled at a national meeting to explore the potential for cooperative ventures. For three days, delegates listened to speeches, gathered information, asked probing questions and made new contacts, becoming both participants and observers in a form designed to broaden the horizons of two industries


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