Wednesday, August 2, 2023

A photo of a smiling person with medium length dark brown hair sits in the middle of a tan background.

Nolen Bivens, President and CEO of Americans for the Arts, announces the appointment of Cari Romeu Mozur to the newly created staff position of Senior Vice President of Relationship Development, effective today. In this new role, Romeu Mozur will oversee both strategic planning and the operational implementation of Americans for the Arts’ philanthropic mission, leading its membership and fundraising, as well as its earned revenue, with a focus on creating innovative and diverse models of support for the organization and its members.

Hawai’i County Council Member Ashley Kierkiewicz Receives the Public Leadership in the Arts Award

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Two people stand smiling in front of an art display. One wears a lei around their head and is accepting an award from the other.

Americans For the Arts Remembers Iconic Performer, Civil Rights Advocate, and Arts Education Leader Tony Bennett

Friday, July 21, 2023

Americans for the Arts mourns the passing of legendary entertainer Tony Bennett, who died on Friday, July 21, at the age of 96.

My Own Recovery, Inspired by Art (Download the updated "10 Reasons to Support the Arts in 2023")

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

I have a Golden Rule at Americans for the Arts: “No numbers without a story, and no stories without a number.”

The arts are all about stories—often small, always meaningful.

Poet Jeanne-Marie Osterman Donates Proceeds from Book to Americans for the Arts

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Regina Burgher, Jeanne-Marie Osterman, and Nolen Bivens standing smiling in a long hall full of books. Burgher is holding a check, and Osterman is holding her book, Shellback.

On Wednesday, January 11, 2023, poet Jeanne-Marie Osterman met with Americans for the Arts President & CEO Nolen Bivens at the Yale Club in New York City to discuss her recent poetry book, Shellback. During the meeting, Osterman donated royalties from her book to Americans for the Arts to help support the National Initiative for Arts & Health Across the Military.  

Americans for the Arts Celebrates National County Government Month

Monday, April 3, 2023

Drawing of a brown horse pulling a black carriage in front of green lawn and large white house in background.

Each April, National County Government Month, celebrates the work of county government employees in communities across the country. This year’s theme, “Counties RISE!,” stands for Resiliency, Inclusion, Solvency, and Empowerment. And the exclamation point captures the enthusiasm and passion for local county stories. From events to social media to proclamations, get to know more about your local county this month! For the second year in a row, Americans for the Arts is thrilled to sponsor NACo's “I Love My County Because” wall calendar, composed of artwork from students in grade K-12.

Update on Americans for the Arts Events in 2023

Thursday, February 16, 2023

A six-piece brass band performs on stage in front of an enthusiastic audience, against a colorful backdrop that reads: Annual Convention 2022.

During 2022’s Strategic Realignment Process, we worked with members and other stakeholders to identify the specific and unique role of Americans for the Arts within the arts and culture community. While we continue to evaluate and evolve our offerings, here’s the latest update on some of our flagship events, including the National Arts Action Summit, Annual Convention, and the National Arts Marketing Project Conference.

Animating Democracy Transitions & Appreciations

Monday, December 19, 2022

Two smiling people pose in front of a colorful wall of art. They lean toward each other in collegial friendship.

Having launched the Animating Democracy program in 1999, Co-Directors Barbara Schaffer Bacon and Pam Korza have decided that 2022 completes their tenure providing program leadership for this transformative initiative. In 2023, Americans for the Arts will determine Animating Democracy’s next chapter by assessing what the organization can uniquely offer and exploring possible partnerships. We will also continue to promote Animating Democracy’s tools and resources.

Americans for the Arts and rootoftwo Publish Resource Bank on Cultural Asset Mapping

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Screenshot of an online database showing images and descriptions of resources.

As a key strategy in supporting the development of inclusive creative economies across the nation, this database provides a distilled jumping off point for learning and growth related to community- and asset-based approaches for equitable development. 

Americans for the Arts Partners with Free People to Advocate for the Importance of Arts in Early Public Education

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Text graphic with a neutral colored background and pink and yellow painted smudges at left and right. Stylized text reads: Free People x Americans for the Arts Presents The Creative Spirit Fund, supporting the arts in public schools across the nation.

Americans for the Arts and lifestyle brand Free People today announced a first-time partnership, which includes a Creative Spirit Fund that empowers public school arts educators to fund the next generation of diverse creators. The partnership advocates for the importance of arts in early public education. Through this program, Free People will be distributing 10 awards of $4,000 each to public school educators across the United States in great need of support in teaching art, music, dance, theater, and creative writing and other artistic disciplines.

Americans for the Arts Remembers Star of Film, TV, and Stage, Angela Lansbury

Friday, October 14, 2022

Smiling person sitting among people (blurred) wearing a black dress and white pearls.

Americans for the Arts mourns the loss of beloved Artists Committee member Dame Angela Lansbury, who passed away in her Los Angeles home on October 11, 2022, at the age of 96. Born in London on October 16, 1925, she graced Broadway stages and Hollywood screens, but was most broadly recognized for her leading role in the long-running television series Murder, She Wrote.  

Announcing India Carney as the 2022 National Arts & Humanities Month Ambassador

Friday, September 23, 2022

Black and white photo of a person with lush curly hair wearing a dark turtleneck shirt and resting their head on a propped up arm.

Americans for the Arts is thrilled to collaborate with musician India Carney as our 2022 Ambassador for National Arts & Humanities Month. India will use her platform throughout the month of October to advocate for artists and share her love of culture and journey to becoming a professional musician as we promote the crucial role of the arts and humanities.

Arts ARE Education Statement and Town Hall Event

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Arts Are Education logo

Arts ARE Education recognizes that all pre-K through grade 12 students have the right to a high-quality school-based arts education in dance, media arts, music, theater, and visual arts. Advocates are invited to join a virtual town hall, “Arts Education for all Children in 2022-23,” Monday, Sept. 12 at 5:00 p.m. ET.

Americans for the Arts Welcomes New Vice President of Strategic Communications

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Person with hair in a bun, wearing a dark shirt, against a dark background.

Americans for the Arts is pleased to announce that Mariaesmeralda Paguaga has joined the organization as its new Vice President of Strategic Communications. Paguaga comes to Americans for the Arts with a broad and deep cultural foundation from which to build Americans for the Arts’ strategic communications plan that meets the needs of the organization’s diverse audiences internally and externally. Bringing over two decades of social impact leadership, Paguaga has an extensive and proven record in achieving transformational change via strategic communications, program innovation, brand positioning, integrated marketing campaigns, strategic partnerships, celebrity and dignitary relations, creative production, and mission-driven events.

Americans for the Arts Members Give Feedback

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

At a conference, a person sits at a table piled with swag listening to two standing people having a conversation. All three wear business casual attire and masks.

A survey was distributed to members in June 2022 and the results revealed a variety of needs in the membership population. The membership team plans to use this data, along with input from a membership coalition made up of Americans for the Arts staff, to create a new membership program that will launch in 2023.


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