Carson Foundation Donates $1M to Endowment

Monday, March 19, 2012



Carson Foundation Donates $1M to Endowment

"The John W. Carson Foundation has given $1 million to the Nebraska Cultural Endowment, which supports statewide arts and humanities funding.

The announcement was made [March 16] in the Capitol Rotunda in Lincoln and at the Holland Performing Arts Center in Omaha.

Tuba Thefts Plague California Schools

Wednesday, February 15, 2012



Tuba Thefts Plague California Schools

"When thieves broke into the high school music room [in Bell, CA], they cut through the bolts on all the storage lockers and ripped two doors off their frames. But they didn’t touch the computer or the projector or even the trumpets.

Advocacy, Civic Engagement Create Big ROI

Thursday, January 26, 2012



Advocacy, Civic Engagement Create Big ROI

"Every dollar that foundations and other donors invested in advocacy, community organizing, and civic engagement over a five-year period provided a return of $115 in community benefit, a new report from the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy finds.

New Bill Requiring NYC Cultural Plan

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Council Members Stephen Levin and Jimmy Van Bramer have introduced legislation at the New York City Council that would require the City to have a cultural plan. The plan calls for the city to go out to neighborhoods in the five boroughs to learn what each community wants and needs in a cultural plan, and incorporate those findings into their plan. This bill was the result of New York City being behind the curve in terms of creating a systematic cultural plan based on what the city residents want.

AFTA's Bill Lehr Receives Gov. Arts Award

Thursday, August 22, 2013


Congratulations to our long-time Board Member Bill Lehr and his wife, Beverlee, who will receive the Patron Award, one of the PA Governer's Award for the Arts at the Whitaker Center in Harrisburg on Oct. 22. The Awards will be presented by First Lady Susan Corbett, who is chairwoman of the Pennsylvania Council of the Arts. The Lehrs established the Americans for the Arts Foundation, as well as the Bill Lehr Fund, which supports our Professional Development Programs. We are lucky to have them on our team of strong supporters, and AFTA CEO Bob Lynch looks forward to celebrating all that they have contributed to the arts at the Awards Banquet.

In Defense of the Arts

Monday, August 12, 2013


Agnus Gund from the Huff Post reacts to the U.S. House Appropriations Committee approval of cutting the National Endowments for the Arts and the Humanities by 49 percent, and contests with a strong argument in defense of the arts. In response to the Chairman's stating that the arts were nice to have but not a critical part of American's everyday lives, she mounts "a more vigorous, vital, real-life defense," stating that the arts are particularly essential to our kids, our servicemen and women, and our communities.

'Healing Newtown' through Art

Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Healing Newtown, a project of the The Newtown Cultural Arts Commission, is focusing on the power of music and art to connect and heal a community that was shocked and devastated by the Dec. 14, 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook School. Since December, Healing Newton has been offering classes and workshops as well as hosting community events.


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