State of Alabama


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Alabama State Arts Organizations
Enacted Fiscal Year 2019 Appropriations
Enacted Fiscal Year 2020 Appropriations
Change in Dollars from 2019 to 2020
Percent Change from 2019 to 2020
Author(s): Cultural Alliance
Date of Publication: Oct 31, 2005

The Cultural Alliance of Greater Birmingham reports to its community about how the funds entrusted to them were dispersed.

Author(s): Fishman, Lois
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1982

The author examines tax checkoff legislation in Oregon, Alabama and Louisiana. In simple terms, a tax checkoff for the arts permits the filer of a state income tax from to designate that some portion of the tax refund should be used to fund arts activities or programs. The checkoff is strictly voluntary and although suggested amounts may be indicated on the return, there are no obligations or limitations on contributions. In general, these earmarked funds are set aside by the state department of revenue and are turned over at the end of the tax season to the appropriate recipient arts

Creativity—The Irrevocable Wealth

Growing up a child of divorced parents living on either coast, I spent the school year with my mother and the summer with my father. Living in a single-parent household, money was tight. Very tight.

How I looked forward to those summers…I’d leave the west coast to spend hot Alabama days visiting with my dad and grandparents. I remember farmers markets, beefsteak tomatoes, juicy peaches and bee-stung watermelon.

Alabama High School Band Marks Tornado Anniversary with Touching Performance

I’m no stranger to great music festivals, like Voodoo Fest in New Orleans or South by Southwest in Austin, that bring together both up-and-coming and legendary artists. And I’ve been lucky enough to score box seats to mega-star performances by the likes of Lil’ Wayne, Dave Matthews Band, and Coldplay.

But even though I went to more shows than I can count, only once did I have a front row seat to a truly life-changing concert.

Making Adjustments: The Art of Decision Making

Recently, the Emerging Leaders of Mobile were given the task to receive a performance critique. The goal was to find a skill that needs improvement and to gain motivation to strengthen it.

I consider myself lucky, because I couldn’t have better bosses. While for some, asking for a performance critique can be intimidating, I have a welcoming work environment for this sort of thing. This is great because this activity was my idea, and if anyone HAD to do it, it was me.

Birmingham: Changing Hats from Arts Administrator to Economic Developer

I’m a fortunate community arts executive. I direct an organization, the Cultural Alliance of Greater Birmingham, which supports a vibrant ecosystem in the largest city, and cultural capital, of Alabama. Just a few years ago, in a public gathering, our former governor recognized Birmingham’s cultural sector as the region’s second greatest asset, just behind the University of Alabama at Birmingham, the state’s largest employer with a giant, nationally-recognized network of hospital and healthcare resources.

White House Gathers Arts ‘Champions of Change’

On July 19, I attended a productive meeting at the White House Executive Office Building. The event, coordinated by the President’ Committee on the Arts and Humanities and the White House Office of Public Engagement, was called Champions for Change: Winning the Future Across America.

Some dozen Champions were on hand to react and provide good local examples of how arts interventions made positive change and could contribute to making the case for advancing arts education in America.

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