State of Oregon

Oregon State Arts Organizations
Enacted Fiscal Year 2019 Appropriations
Enacted Fiscal Year 2020 Appropriations
Change in Dollars from 2019 to 2020
Percent Change from 2019 to 2020
Date of Publication: May 31, 2004

The Westside Economic Alliance and the Portland Development Commission co-sponsored this study which examines what young adults in the 25 to 34 year-old age group want from cities and how well communities in the Portland, Oregon metropolitan region are positioned to compete for this group.

Author(s): Welch, Nancy; Taylor, Suzanne; Valdivia, Walter; Gober, Patricia , Ph.D.; Walth, Dwight, D.M.A; Dallett, Nancy, Editors
Date of Publication: Aug 31, 2003

This report provides statistical data and analysis of resources and challenges impacting the arts and cultural sector in Maricopa County, Arizona along with comparative data of nine other benchmark regions to aid in understanding characteristics that affect arts and culture.

Author(s): Technology Partnership Practice and Battelle Memorial Institute, Editors
Date of Publication: Aug 31, 2003

This report presents the results of a benchmarking study conducted for the Maricopa Regional Task Force on Arts and Culture Force (representing Maricopa County, Arizona) to compare the approach being taken to support investment in arts and culture in nine peer and competitor regions.

Author(s): Carlin, Brad, Editor
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 2004

This document includes samples of percent for art ordinances from Atlanta, Georgia; Charlotte, North Carolina; King County, Washington; Los Angeles, California; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Phoenix, Arizona; Portland, Oregon; San Jose, California; and Tampa, Florida.

Author(s): Carlin, Brad, Editor
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 2004

This document includes samples of legislation from Austin, Texas; Boulder, Colorado; Chico, California; King County, Washington; Miami, Florida; Orlando, Florida; Palm Beach County, Florida; Portland, Oregon; San Francisco, California; San Jose, California; and St. Louis, Missouri that allows for the arts to benefit from lodging taxes.

Author(s): Collins, Sarah
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2011

79% of Oregon public schools provided access to instruction in at least one discipline (1% decrease from 2009-2010.) Arts in charter schools increased 2% from 2009-2010 and access in regular public schools decreased by 1%. 71% of elementary schools provided arts instruction as part of the regular curriculum, 97% of middle schools, but 17% of Oregon high schools provided instruction in all five disciplines. 11% of students attended a school with no access to arts instruction and 40% of schools offered instruction in one discipline. Compared to the 2009-2010 report, 17% of high schools

Author(s): Collins, Sarah Katherine
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2011

80% of K-12 Oregon public schools offer regular, stand-alone arts courses, but one in ten students attended a school without access to arts instruction. 27% of elementary schools did not offer any arts instruction as standalone courses, and lack of access is more pronounced at the elementary level than any other. 98% of middle schools provided some form of arts instruction and 98% of students attended a middle school where the arts were taught. 86% of high schools provided arts instruction as a stand-alone course, but only 6% provided instruction in five disciplines (dance, music, theater,

Author(s): NGA (National Governors Association) Center for Best Practices
Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

Many states have created arts-based economic development strategies to support rural communities across the who are confronting economic development issues.

Author(s): Bulick, Bill; with Coletta, Carol; Jackson, Colin; Taylor, Andrew; Wolff, Steven
Date of Publication: Nov 01, 2003

Civic leaders around the are cultivating new economic development strategies to build creative capital, and many are taking a fresh look at how cultural development contributes to communities. This monograph examines issues related to these topics and provides a case study of a creative city.

Author(s): Jan C. Semenza
Date of Publication: Aug 31, 2003

Collective actions of "place-making" in Sunnyside, Portland, OR through community involvement in public art has resulted in increased social capital, thus revitalizing the community, and expanded social networks among residents have stimulated a sense of well-being.

Author(s): Fishman, Lois
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1982

The author examines tax checkoff legislation in Oregon, Alabama and Louisiana. In simple terms, a tax checkoff for the arts permits the filer of a state income tax from to designate that some portion of the tax refund should be used to fund arts activities or programs. The checkoff is strictly voluntary and although suggested amounts may be indicated on the return, there are no obligations or limitations on contributions. In general, these earmarked funds are set aside by the state department of revenue and are turned over at the end of the tax season to the appropriate recipient arts

Author(s): Welch, Nancy; Plosila, Walt; Clarke, Marianne, Editors
Date of Publication: Apr 30, 2004

Summary of the final report of the Maricopa Regional Arts and Culture Task Force which illustrates the economic importance of arts and culture; outlines the financial challenges facing Maricopa County, Arizonas arts and culture institutions; and recommends strategies and actions for improving the arts and culture sector.

Author(s): National Assembly of Local Arts Agencies
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1993

Portland, Oregon [population: 895,000] is one of the 33 communities, ranging in population from 8,500 to 2.5 million, included in this three year study. The study examined data from 789 nonprofit organizations in order to compile a national average. The study was designed to document nonprofit arts expenditures in a cross section of American communities and demonstrate the economic impact gained from investing in the arts.

Author(s): Regional Arts and Culture Council
Date of Publication: Sep 30, 1998

Percent for Art Guidelines for Portland's Regional Arts and Culture Council's Percent for Art Program.

Author(s): Flood, Bill
Date of Publication: Sep 30, 2000

The purpose of the Oregon Arts Commissions Arts Build Communities Technical Assistance Program is to assist rural and urban under-served communities in linking arts and cultural resources with local community development efforts. Assistance is provided though consultants skilled in a variety of areas including local arts development, community design, public art, landscape architecture, folklore, education and youth development, community planning, micro-enterprise development, facility development and partnership development.


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