State of Pennsylvania

Author(s): al Chalabi, Margery
Date of Publication: Aug 31, 2002

In this paper, the author discusses the most recent change affecting American central cities and their downtowns the cultural renaissance.

Author(s): The Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance
Date of Publication: Sep 30, 2006

An analysis of the Philadelphia cultural sector generated by the Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance published by the Pew Charitable Trusts and the William Penn Foundation. The report reviews data from 218 organizations and finds that the art and cultural sector provides 14,000 jobs and more than 12 million visits to the area annually. Findings also indicate that the portion of the cultural sector with the greatest need for financial investment are smaller and emerging organizations.

Author(s): Corrigan, Michael W. and Martin, Matthew M.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 2003

In this view of the tapestry, as consultants to help organizations solve special problems, as managers of other volunteers, as project chairman and committee members, and as support staff.

Author(s): Martin, Dan J.
Date of Publication: May 15, 2019

The challenges of developing audiences and securing contributed income are unending for not-for-profit arts organizations. Recent events ンmost notably the recession, the continuing stock market decline and the war on terrorism ンhave intensified the demands on institutional leaders in the . Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre (PBT) has battled furiously over the last few years to maintain its core values and continue its artistic growth while simultaneously confronting both national economic realities and regional socio-demographic conditions that impede its growth. This article examines PBT's history as

Author(s): Collins, Tim
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 2000

Set in the context of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the former steel capital of the , this paper explores the potential for a renewed civic or democratic dialogue on a specific brownfield development site.

Author(s): Dreeszen, Craig
Date of Publication: Mar 01, 2003

Small and rural communities across the country continue to face drastic population shifts and economic upheaval. Many efforts are underway in these areas to create and implement economic revitalization strategies. In analyzing resources, strengths, and needs, communities are increasingly seeing the potential of their existing creative economies ンsectors of the economy that include arts, culture and heritage organizations, businesses, and workers ンas strong revenue, employment, and quality of life generators, or "creative industries."

Author(s): Baker, Alexander J.
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 2001

The author states that the aim of this dissertation is to use his role as a public art advisory committee member for the Schuylkill River Park Development Council to elucidate the public art process at a particular place in a particular moment in time: Schuylkill River Park, Center City, Philadelphia, 1996-2000.

Author(s): National Assembly of Local Arts Agencies
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1993

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania [population: 400,000] is one of the 33 communities, ranging in population from 8,500 to 2.5 million, included in this three year study. The study examined data from 789 nonprofit organizations in order to compile a national average. The study was designed to document nonprofit arts expenditures in a cross section of American communities and demonstrate the economic impact gained from investing in the arts.

Author(s): National Assembly of Local Arts Agencies
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1993

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania [population: 1,600,000] is one of the 33 communities, ranging in population from 8,500 to 2.5 million, included in this three year study. The study examined data from 789 nonprofit organizations in order to compile a national average. The study was designed to document nonprofit arts expenditures in a cross section of American communities and demonstrate the economic impact gained from investing in the arts.

Author(s): Pennsylvania Council on the Arts
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 2000

Pennsylvania Council on the Arts Strategic Plan addresses issues of access, infrastructure, arts education, advocacy, and participation.

Author(s): Robbins, Emily and Langan, Trevor
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2016

The maker movement is the platform for today’s artisans to create, craft, develop and prototype new and interesting ideas and products. This new, hyperlocal manufacturing environment holds potential not only for individual hobbyists but also for community-wide advances in local entrepreneurship and job creation.


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