State of Washington

Author(s): Carlin, Brad, Editor
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 2004

Document provides samples of admission tax legislation levied on all types of professional public performances or events in Boulder, Colorado; Chicago, Illinois; Santa Cruz, California; Seattle, Washington; and Saint Louis, Missouri.

Date of Publication: May 31, 2001

BYLAWS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION TOWN OF BEAUX ARTS VILLAGE Adopted March, 1998 Amended November, 1998 Amended June, 2001

Author(s): Washington State Arts Commission
Date of Publication: Jan 01, 2006

Arts education is a vital part of a complete K-12 education. Research and experience confirm that arts education helps students develop critical 21st century skills, and that it supports learning in other core subjects. We also know that participation in the arts helps keep children and teachers engaged, which in turn helps keep students in school. Yet many children in our state are not getting the quantity or quality of arts education they need.

Author(s): Seattle Mayor's Task Force on the Arts
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1985

Alarmed by the fragile condition of Seattle's fifteen largest arts organizations, Mayor Charles Royer appointed this Task Force, representing the various public and private donor communities, to develop long-term strategies for maintaining a healthy, diversified and high quality cultural life in the greater Seattle area.

Author(s): National Assembly of Local Arts Agencies
Date of Publication: Dec 31, 1993

Tacoma, Washington [population: 179,000] is one of the 33 communities, ranging in population from 8,500 to 2.5 million, included in this three year study. The study examined data from 789 nonprofit organizations in order to compile a national average. The study was designed to document nonprofit arts expenditures in a cross section of American communities and demonstrate the economic impact gained from investing in the arts.

Author(s): Welch, Nancy; Plosila, Walt; Clarke, Marianne, Editors
Date of Publication: Apr 30, 2004

Summary of the final report of the Maricopa Regional Arts and Culture Task Force which illustrates the economic importance of arts and culture; outlines the financial challenges facing Maricopa County, Arizonas arts and culture institutions; and recommends strategies and actions for improving the arts and culture sector.

Author(s): Office of Public Instruction - Arts Office
Date of Publication: Aug 31, 2005

Sixty classroom-based performance assessments (CBPAs) in the arts have been developed by the OSPI Arts Office in partnership with a team of arts educators in dance, music, theatre, and visual arts, including arts administrators and classroom teachers. The CBPAs require students to create, perform, and respond, utilizing the creative processes of the arts and demonstrating that instruction and learning have occurred in the arts in alignment with the arts EALRs. CBPAs in each of the arts disciplines are available for voluntary use in grades 5, 8, and 10 in the 2005-06 school year.

Author(s): Washington State Arts Commission
Date of Publication: May 31, 2006

Washington State Arts Commission 2007-2011 Strategic Plan


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