Speak up, speak out! Join arts advocates from across the country this spring on March 7-8, 2016 in Washington, D.C. for the annual National Arts Action Summit consisting of Arts Advocacy Day and the Nancy Hanks Lecture on Arts & Public Policy. Arts Advocacy Day brings together some of the nation's leading cultural and civic organizations with over 500 grassroots advocates like you to show your representatives in Congress why the arts are essential to the fabric of our nation.

On top of the chance to influence policy on Capitol Hill, Arts Advocacy Day is an invaluable opportunity to network with your fellow arts advocates, learn the latest research to make your case for the arts, and enhance your advocacy skills to use in Washington and at home.

Make your voice heard this year on Capitol Hill! Register today to ensure that your members of Congress will hear about the indispensable role arts play in your life, community and schools directly from you.


Credits, in order of appearance:
Yo-Yo Ma, Internationally renown cellist.
Rep. John Lewis (GA-5th District)
Doc Shaw, Actor
Rep. Leonard Lance (NJ-7th District, and Co-Chair of House Arts Caucus)
Holland Taylor, Actress
Hill Harper, Actor
Jane Chu, Chairwoman of the National Endowment for the Arts
Kevin Spacey, Actor
Yo-Yo Ma (cello), Young Buck (dancing), Christina Pato (bagpipe), Matt Sorum (drums)
Rep. Louise Slaughter (NY-25th District and Co-Chair of the House Arts Caucus)
Sen. Tom Udall (NM)
OAR, Platinum selling band
Alec Baldwin, Actor
Ann Graham, Executive Director, Texans For The Arts
Rep. Rosa DeLauro, (CT-3rd District)
Norman Lear, 29th Nancy Hanks Lecturer, TV Producer, Activist
COMMON, Rapper and Activist