Workplace Giving: building loyalty for the arts and uniting employees
Investing in the Artists and Fans of Tomorrow: StubHub’s Story
Giving Time and Treasure to the Arts
Welcome to Americans for the Arts’ latest blog salon, hosted by a hybrid of development and private sector partners. “Giving Time and Treasure to the Arts” can be interpreted in many ways depending on who’s doing the talking. It can mean raising support from corporate partners, building relationships with passionate individual philanthropists, engaging employee volunteers, or harnessing the power of creativity to increase productivity and happiness in the workplace. We welcome you to join us throughout the week to learn what “giving time and treasure to the arts” means to our members around the country, as well as some of our sector’s greatest supporters. The role played by volunteers and philanthropists from the largest city to the smallest town is key to fostering a thriving arts sector in America. Both elements that this blog salon focuses on are important: the time and talent of volunteers provide capabilities and experiences that many arts organizations do not have the resources to procure; and the donation of funds, services, and other “treasures” allows the field not only to produce great art, but also to be the economic drivers and job creators that we know the arts to be. The decision to give to the arts is essential, and we make that choice and encourage others to make the same one because the arts themselves are essential.
A Dancers Life Made Immortal
The art of upgrading active patrons
Subscriptions Are Not (un)Dead
All The Places You’ll Go (Once You Get Out of the Gate)
Inverting the Pyramid
The Role of Selfies in the Artistic Digital Space
ARTiculators: Entrepreneurs and Changemakers on the Intersection of Art and Technology
The Easy Math of Good Service
