Common Field -- Where Arts Organizers Convene, Exchange, Vision
Arts organizers face a unique set of problems, probably similar to that of a circus ringleader. You need diplomacy, imagination, creativity, flexibility. You also have to be incredibly practical - managing budgets, funders, logistics. You’re often working with volunteers and supporters who need to receive non-economic benefits and feel engaged and excited. Communication is key. First, what is “the field” we’re talking about? Artist-run spaces, experimental venues, artists creating platforms and opportunities for other artists, and organizations that put supporting artists’ work at the heart and center of their mission. We operate across a wide range of organizing principles - from being a 501(c)3 organization to a co-operative or collective, from long-running institutions to short-term projects - but we all struggle with a similar set of questions. Why is supporting experimental visual art practice important? Who are our audiences and partners? What are our tactics and strategies? What does sustainability look like? How can articulate more broadly the values and impacts emerging from this work?
Forming a Workers Public Art Practice….
Grassroots Public Art and Political Power
The Intersection of Public Art and City Planning
Diving Headfirst into The New Wave of Public Art
Tea and Toast Art Administrator
Over Heads or Under the Table
Public Art – An Unexpected Approach to Improving Health
What Are the Organizing Ideas in Public Art Today?
Public Art: A Personal Journey of Discovery
“Shift Change”: Transitions in Public Art Programs Today
