Researchers and Funders: What's your language?
Public Art Projects that Touch Us Personally
Collecting short lists of memorable public art projects from a range of colleagues has been revealing about the ways that publi
Whatever Happened to Humanities Curriculum? (from Arts Watch)
Two weeks ago, I joined approximately 40 other arts education leaders in a two-day meeting to discuss plans for National Expectations for Learning in Arts Education, a projected originally taken on by State Education Agency Directors of Arts Education (SEADAE).   For the first time in 16 years, arts education experts from national organizations spent time evaluating the possible impact and creating a plan for potential revisions, additions, or replacement for National Arts Education Standards.   Over the two days of discussion, I was struck by the passion in the room and energized by what will be coming in the next steps in the process.  
Memory as Muse: Forever Caught in Bourgeois’ Web
Not just a band guy
A Special Thanks to Our Readers
Thank you for taking the time to visit, read, and comment on the blog posts throughout our Arts Education Blog Salon this week. Thanks to the hard work of all of our bloggers, I feel like visitors had the opportunity to learn more about the various aspects of arts education – from advocacy to standards – that many of us work with on a daily basis, and engage the authors via thoughtful comments and emails. Although the Salon is over, we will continue to add new blogs on arts education throughout the rest of the year, and I am truly looking forward to the next time around.
Arts Education: Footloose Relationships
Is Arts Administration Research a 'Field of Dreams'?
Making Meaning
California's Local Arts Advocacy Network Effort
An Open Letter to Pre-Service Arts Educators
