Mr. Simon C. Perazza

If the Avenues to Showcase the Values of Creativity Don’t Exist, Build Them

Posted by Mr. Simon C. Perazza, Dec 01, 2011

Mr. Simon C. Perazza

As an industry, artists and arts organizations have always had to get creative about how they communicate their craft to demonstrate their value beyond aesthetics.

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Chad Bauman

Who Are Your Best Customers (and Why Many Don't Know)?

Posted by Chad Bauman, May 03, 2012

Chad Bauman

How do we defined our best customers and how does that definition change depending upon which department was asked.

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Ms. Esmeralda Montenegro Owen

Attracting the Latino Audience

Posted by Ms. Esmeralda Montenegro Owen, Sep 04, 2012

Ms. Esmeralda Montenegro Owen

When it comes to defining the Latino audience, we need to look at the needs, goals, and sentiment of multiple generations living in the United States.

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Mr. Adam Thurman

Getting Along Fine Without You

Posted by Mr. Adam Thurman, Nov 14, 2012

Mr. Adam Thurman

In most of the arts world, but particularly in my world of the nonprofit arts, there is an understandable desire to bring in a new, more diverse, audience.

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Mr. Clayton W. Lord

The Humble Step

Posted by Mr. Clayton W. Lord, Jun 20, 2016

Mr. Clayton W. Lord

The pursuit of cultural equity is a journey of mountains and valleys, someone once told me. It is a series of hard climbs, brief moments of celebration, if you’re lucky, and then the progression begins again. It is the type of work we do against our comfort, because it is necessary.

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Ms. Nella Vera

Arts Marketing Lessons From My Church

Posted by Ms. Nella Vera, Apr 18, 2016

Ms. Nella Vera

What can a church show us about marketing . . . How about a slew of audience development activities that could serve as a model for arts organizations?

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Mr. Matt Graber

The ticket sales blame game, and Fight Club

Posted by Mr. Matt Graber, Apr 18, 2016

Mr. Matt Graber

There are two groups standing on opposites sides of the parking lot. Bruised and battered, knuckles taped up, and ready to go at it again. If it’s your first time, you almost always have to fight. This is the fight club that sometimes happens between the artistic and Marketing departments after a production fails to sell well.

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James Abruzzo

Diversifying the Arts in America

Posted by James Abruzzo, Mar 11, 2016

James Abruzzo

Andy Horwitz, writing in the Atlantic, concludes that the federal government, because it has not adequately supported the National Endowment for the Arts, is contributing to the weakness of the culturally diverse and ethnic arts organizations in the country. He misses two key points and, I believe promotes the wrong solution.

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