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Nov 06, 2017

Nationwide, VA medical facilities use the creative arts as one form of rehabilitative treatment to help Veterans recover from and cope with physical and emotional disabilities. Across the country each year, Veterans enrolled at VA health care facilities compete in a local creative arts competition that began in January.

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Nov 01, 2017

Americans for the Arts and ArtsMemphis will host the annual National Arts Marketing Project (NAMP) Conference in Memphis, Tennessee, November 10-13, 2017. The largest gathering of arts marketers in the country, the conference is a critical forum for arts groups to discuss the rapidly changing demographics and behaviors of U.S. consumers, as well as how arts and culture organizations can remain relevant in the era of consumer control. 

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Oct 28, 2017
Arkansas State Senator Joyce Elliott with Americans for the Arts’ Jay Dick at a general lunch session at NCSL.

Americans for the Arts was also pleased to host a breakfast panel on the Creative Forces Initiative for NCSL’s Labor and Economic Development Committee and its Military and Veterans Affairs Task Force.  Americans for the Arts is one of several organizations that NCSL invites to present panel discussions at NCSL conferences.  Americans for the Arts is pleased to continue its work with the Military and Veterans Affairs Task Force. 

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Oct 26, 2017

The latest report showed that arts funding increased from the corporate community between 2014 and 2016. The results align with Americans for the Arts and the Conference Board’s survey of Business Contributions to the Arts released in June. Both corporate giving surveys demonstrate that businesses are recognizing the role the arts play in advancing corporate goals, including increasing employee engagement and creativity.

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Oct 25, 2017

A new research study published by Americans for the Arts uses statistical data to quantify the scope and economic importance of the arts across America. Creative Industries: Business & Employment in the Arts in 2017 demonstrates that nationally, 673,656 businesses are involved in the creation or distribution of the arts, and they employ 3.48 million people. This represents 4.01 percent of all U.S. businesses and 2.04 percent of all U.S. employees. 

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Oct 10, 2017

The latest congressional plan for advancing tax reform continues calls for preserving the charitable tax deduction, a key provision and an important inclusion. The framework, however, also proposes to double the standard deduction, which would have the impact of moving taxpayers away from itemizing their deductions (like charitable giving). Americans for the Arts has joined a large and diverse coalition of non-profits in support of a universal charitable tax deduction that could be made available to all taxpayers.

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Oct 04, 2017

Americans for the Arts is excited to collaborate with Cuseum on Ink For The Arts, a new initiative to unite people in the fight against the elimination of federal arts programs. The campaign comes in reaction to the ongoing threats to cut funding for the arts, which would put the National Endowment for the Arts, National Endowment for the Humanities, and other programs at risk.

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Oct 03, 2017

Americans for the Arts will present the annual National Arts Awards on Monday, October 23, as part of National Arts and Humanities Month. The awards recognize artists and arts leaders who exhibit exemplary national leadership and whose work demonstrates extraordinary achievement.

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Oct 02, 2017

Americans for the Arts invites all Americans to celebrate October as National Arts and Humanities Month. The month-long celebration is the country’s largest collective celebration of arts and culture. 

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Sep 11, 2017

Community recovery in the aftermath of disasters—such as the major hurricanes, fires, and floods in August and September—is a crucial challenge, and the arts have a strong role to play. Americans for the Arts calls on local, state, and federal decisionmakers and government agencies—particularly FEMA and the Small Business Administration—to recognize the crucial role of arts and cultural organizations and workers, and to prioritize immediate and streamlined disaster relief assistance so that they may fulfill their role as healing nexus points for affected communities.
