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Jul 17, 2016
In recognition of National Tattoo Day today, Americans for the Arts, the nation’s leading nonprofit organization for advancing the arts and arts education in America, releases several findings on the American public’s perceptions and attitudes towards tattoos as art. The findings come out of a comprehensive national public opinion study, “Americans Speak Out About the Arts,” which found that 73 percent of Americans believe that at least some tattoos are art. 
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Jul 14, 2016

Thanks to art supporters like businessman Ronald Perelman, more artists will have a place to showcase their new work and will also present the city with another hub for New York City’s ever-evolving culture.

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Jul 14, 2016

Americans for the Arts, the nation’s leading non-profit organization for advancing the arts and arts education, today announced that Robert Buchsbaum, Chief Executive Officer of Blick Art Materials, will receive the 2016 BCA Leadership Award. Presented by the Business Committee for the Arts (BCA), a division of Americans for the Arts, the annual award recognizes individuals for their extraordinary vision, leadership, and commitment to supporting the arts and for encouraging other businesses to follow their lead. 

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Jul 14, 2016

Artist Anne Percoco has created the project #TreeSpeech, a social media performance piece intended to give voice to the trees of Jersey City. 

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Jul 13, 2016

A good friend to Americans for the Arts, John Brademas served as a Board Member of the organization from 1982-1996 and was the keynote speaker at the 1991 Nancy Hanks Lecture on Arts and Public Policy.

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Jul 13, 2016

A comprehensive study released today of American perceptions and attitudes towards the arts, titled “Americans Speak Out About the Arts,” revealed that the American public is more broadly engaged in the arts than previously understood. The majority believe that the arts play a vital role in personal well-being and healthier communities, the arts are core to a well-rounded education, and there should be more government funding for the arts.

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Jul 12, 2016

Detailed stories of the five collaborative projects provide an illuminating and instructive look at how collaboration between artists and municipal government can achieve more diverse participation and greater equity in public process.

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Jul 12, 2016

Americans for the Arts is pleased to announce the BCA Hall of Fame and BCA Leadership Award honorees for 2016. The awards are presented annually by the Business Committee for the Arts (BCA), a division of Americans for the Arts.

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Jul 08, 2016

Americans for the Arts is proud to announce the sixth installment in The pARTnership Movement essay series: Say Thanks. The new release contains hard data, two notable case studies, and many reasons why the arts are a great way to show appreciation for your employees.

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Jul 07, 2016

This new authorization of the the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act attempts to better align CTE programs with the current job market by supporting innovative learning opportunities, building stronger community partnerships, and encouraging more engagement with employers.
