Monday, October 18, 2010

Every October, in honor of National Arts & Humanities Month, Americans for the Arts partners with emerging leaders from across the country to host Creative Conversations.  Creative Conversations are local gatherings of emerging leaders in communities across the country and are part of a grassroots movement to elevate the profile of arts in America.

The events below are sweeping the country this week.

  • October 25 - Creative Action Group -€“ Baltimore, MD
  • October 25 -€“ Is Digital Art and Music Art -€“ Columbia, SC
  • October 26 -€“ Networking Event: Hampton Road'€™s Emerging Arts Leaders -€“ Virginia Beach, VA
  • October 26 -€“ It'€™s Not Scary to be a Leader -€“ Cincinnati, OH
  • October 27 -€“ Assessing Artistic Vibrancy -€“ Cleveland, OH
  • October 27 -€“ Shifting Generations in the Arts Management Workplace -€“ Washington, DC
  • October 27 -€“ Creative Conversation at Pecha Kucha -€“ Providence, RI
  • October 28 -€“ Pittsburgh EAL -€“ Creative Conversation 2010 The Arts in Society, Education, Legislation, and the Economy. Where do you stand? -€“ Pittsburgh, PA
  • October 28 -€“ A Career in Arts Administration - Risks, Rewards, and How to Avoid Burnout -€“ New Brunswick, NJ
  • October 28 -€“ OYAA Conversation: Governance -€“ Omaha, NE
  • October 28 - Disobedience and Innovation: Inspiring Change -€“ New York, NY
  • October 29 - Emerging Leaders Phoenix 2010 Creative Conversation: Are You Linked In? -€“ Phoenix, AZ
  • October 29 -€“ Creative Conversations: ARTS CRAWL -€“ San Diego, CA
  • October 29 -€“ Face Off! A wild conversation with Executive Leaders -€“ Atlanta, GA
  • October 30 - Global Citizenship: Promoting Education through the Arts -€“ Dallas, TX