Monday, March 15, 2010

National Arts Advocacy Day

Omni Shoreham Hotel
Washington, DC
April 12-€“13, 2010

Coordinated by Americans for the Arts, the 23rd Annual National Arts Advocacy Day brings together arts, education, entertainment, and policy leaders to develop strong public policies and support for increased public funding for the arts. Hear from congressional leaders and acclaimed artists including Actor Kyle MacLachlan (Twin Peaks, Sex in the City, Desperate Housewives) at the Congressional Arts Kick Off on Capitol Hill.

  • Let your voice be heard when you visit your members of Congress to make the case for the arts and arts education.
  • Take advantage of opportunities to network with colleagues from your state and across the country.
  • Increase your knowledge of how to advocate and influence decision makers.

Want to hear more about the important topics that we'll be covering at Arts Advocacy Day this year? Tune in to Americans for the Arts Chief Counsel of Government and Public Affairs Nina Ozlu Tunceli's ARTcast on ARTSblog.

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