Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Arts Council of Winston-Salem and Forsyth County will name its new arts center in downtown Winston Salem "€œMilton Rhodes Center for the Arts"€ in honor of its current President and CEO, Milton Rhodes. Rhodes was President and CEO of the American Council for the Arts, now Americans for The Arts. While at Americans for the Arts, Rhodes started "€œArts Advocacy Day"€ that has become the leading opportunity for more than 600 arts organizations and individuals to meet Congressional leaders to raise issues of national concern related to arts and culture. He also helped establish The Nancy Hanks Lecture on Arts and Public Policy, a leading national forum for arts policy intended to stimulate dialogue on policy and social issues affecting the arts.

"€œSaying that I am honored is understatement,"€ said Rhodes. "€œBeing recognized in such a significant way in the place that I call home and that has had a special place in my heart all my adult life is overwhelming. I deeply appreciate the action of The Arts Council'€™s Board of Trustees, and like so many people in our city and county, I can'€™t wait to see the doors swing open on The Center in September. In my mind, this amazing new facility is the beginning of a new era for arts, culture and community life in Winston-Salem and Forsyth County."€

Rocco Landesman, Chair, National Endowment for the Arts, will be in Winston-Salem for the opening of the Milton Rhodes Center for the Arts, September 10-12. Landesman was selected to head the Endowment by President Barack Obama. Prior to joining the NEA, he was a Broadway theater producer.

"€œI cannot think of a more appropriate way to launch The Center than by having the leading figure in the nation'€™s arts world here with us to emphasize the role that the arts play in all of our lives and our economy, the importance of private philanthropy, and the urgent need for greater public support to nurture and sustain the arts,"€ said Janie Wilson, co-chair of The Center'€™s opening celebration.

The opening of The Center is scheduled for early September and will be celebrated by several days of events, including a gala with entertainment by a nationally acclaimed performer and two community days of free activities and entertainment.