Monday, April 5, 2010

Today, hundreds of dedicated arts supporters from across the country came together in Washington, DC for National Arts Advocacy Day, a united effort to tell Capitol Hill how important culture is to our communities, how much arts education means to our children, and how much the arts improve our daily lives.

If you weren't able to join us today, you can still help us carry the momentum. Continue this conversation online and send your Member of Congress a message urging them to support the arts.

Make sure to follow #AAD11 and #TeamAAD and the Arts Advoacy Day Facebook page for all the inside scoop of the event. We'll be blogging, tweeting, posting video and photos from the event in the next coming days.

We cannot thank you enough for all that you've done, and continue to do to sustain the vitality of the arts. We look forward to seeing you next year!