Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Wednesday, May 23 marks the advance registration deadline for the Americans for the Arts Annual Convention in San Antonio. While you are still welcome to register on-site, it is the last day to save an additional $75 by registering online prior to the event.

One part of the convening that attendees won't want to miss is our Convention Town Hall on June 9.

Our Convention Town Hall is an interactive meeting with sector leaders about what it means to create a sense of place in a community and how the role of the arts is a core part of that vision. After the panel presentation, participants have the opportunity to have in-depth moderated table discussions to share their own personal experiences with creating place through the arts.

Joining the Town Hall as panelists are the following:

  • Henry Cisneros, former U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and current President of CityView Companies
  • Floyd Green III, Vice President and Head of Community Relations of Aetna
  • Maria Rosario Jackson, Director of Culture, Creativity, and Communities Program at the Urban Institute
  • John Michael Schert, Executive Director of the Trey McIntyre Project
  • Dennis Scholl, Vice President of the Arts at the Knight Foundation
  • Laura Zucker, Executive Director for the Los Angeles County Arts Commission
  • Robert Lynch, Americans for the Arts President & CEO

For more information about the Emerging Leaders & Public Art Preconferences and the 2012 Americans for the Arts Annual Convention, visit convention.artsusa.org.