Thursday, October 4, 2012

President Barack Obama has declared October National Arts and Humanities Month through Presidential Proclamation. Within the proclamation, President Obama states:

"€œLike Rockwell'€™s painting, art in all its forms often challenges us to consider new perspectives and to rethink how we see the world. This image still moves us with its simple poignancy, capturing a moment in American history that changed us forever. This is the power of the arts and humanities -€” they speak to our condition and affirm our desire for something more and something better. Great works of literature, theater, dance, fine art, and music reach us through a universal language that unites us regardless of background, gender, race, or creed."€

National Arts and Humanities Month (NAHM) is a coast-to-coast collective recognition of the importance of culture in America. It is designed to encourage all Americans to explore new facets of the arts and humanities in their lives, and to begin a lifelong habit of active participation in the arts and humanities.

From hosting a Creative Conversation or arts center open house to securing a mayoral (or Presidential) proclamation or better newspaper coverage of the arts, people in every community across the United States can celebrate NAHM by helping recognize the contributions of cultural organizations in their region.

For more information about NAHM, visit our website, featuring events you can attend in your community as well as a toolkit to create your own. You can also follow @Americans4Arts on Twitter and use/follow the #NAHM hashtag.

Visit ARTSblog to view the full proclamation text.