Monday, August 16, 2021

National Arts & Humanities Month logo

This October, Americans for the Arts once again will celebrate National Arts & Humanities Month (NAHM), a coast-to-coast collective recognition of the importance of culture in America. Now in its 36th year, with roots dating back to the first National Arts Week in 1985, National Arts & Humanities Month focuses on equitable access, encouraging participation, and allowing businesses and governments to show support for the arts, while raising public awareness of the role the arts and humanities play in our lives every day.

Individuals and organizations can use National Arts & Humanities Month as a starting point to advocate for the arts and raise awareness about its role in our communities and lives—not just for the month, but throughout the entire year! Here are a few of the ways you can join Americans for the Arts in celebrating NAHM:

  • Local proclamations are a wonderful way that your mayor, city council, or your city (or county) in general can easily show its support for the arts and culture. Anyone can make the ask, and we have resources and a how-to guide to help walk you through the process! 
  • As Congress works to pass a budget for FY22, arts advocacy will be critical over the next few months to enact a historic funding increase for the National Endowment for the Arts. Our social media toolkit allows you to easily spread the word and ask others to contact their senators in support of $201 million for the NEA.
  • October is the perfect time to Show Your Art! Our 31-day Instagram challenge features a unique theme each day of the month to inspire you to express yourself and celebrate the power and diversity of the arts in our lives. Download and share the theme graphic with your friends and encourage them to join in the fun!
  • You can get the word out to your local media, even if you’ve never spoken to the press before. We’ve put together tips, a sample press release, and a guide to writing letters to the editor that will help get you started—find them all on the NAHM Resources page.

The August Member Briefing for Americans for the Arts members dives deeper into each of these opportunities for National Arts & Humanities Month—register to tune in live on Tuesday, Aug. 17, 2021 at 3 pm ET or for access to an on-demand recording after that date.