Tuesday, September 9, 2014

For the past seven years, Barry's Blog - an independent service of the Western States Arts Federation (WESTAF) - publishes an annual list of the most influential individuals in the nonprofit arts.

This year, Americans for the Arts' CEO and President, Bob Lynch, was honored along with Americans for the Arts' Vice President of Research Services, Randy Cohen. Both field leaders have aggressive travel schedules and are constantly serving state and local communities across the country. 

Barry's Blog said of Bob Lynch: "...he is increasingly spending his time as a Senior Statesman bridging the arts and other sectors through (among other efforts) his seats on the Independent Sector, and the Department of Commerce US Travel and Tourism Advisory boards."

And about Randy Cohen: "One of the grand visionaries of the arts research field, it is his pioneering work that has guided the strategies and energies of much of the field’s efforts at advocacy and building value with the public.  Tireless cross country traveller, he has one of the better networks in the entire field.  He cuts through the B.S. and zeroes in on the real issues."

We are proud to not only have these colleagues featured on the list, but also a number of other inviduals who are members, advocates, winners of our leadership awards, on our board, and participate in Americans for the Arts events. The list is made up of people who are working tirelessly to help advance the arts in America, and we congratulate all of them.
