Tuesday, March 24, 2015

To celebrate and thank our more than 550 advocates who are on the Hill today, and to recognize the invaluable support of our friends in Congress, Americans for the Arts placed full page ads running today in The Hill, Politico, and Roll Call. The ad highlights the more than 200 members of the Congressional Arts Caucus, the Senate Cultural Caucus, and the Congressional STEAM Caucus for their support of the arts and arts education in America. View the ad.

Two such invaluable members are the co-chairs of the Congressional Arts Caucus, Reps. Leonard Lance (R-NJ) and Louise Slaughter (D-NY). On Monday, The Hill published their op-ed, calling for increased federal investment in the arts. Reps. Lance and Slaughter illustrate how the arts transform communities, our economy, and our children's education. They so eloquently state: "The arts tell us who we are, where we have been, and where we are going. It is time for Congress to treat the arts as they deserve to be treated: as a dynamic economic, educational and cultural force that reach every community in the nation." Read more

Want to get involved in everything that's happening on Capitol Hill today? Contact your member of Congress via our E-Advocacy Center and follow along on social media with #AAD15.