Matt D'Arrigo, Founder of A Reason to Survive (ARTS) Tells His Story

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Matt D’Arrigo is Founder and CEO of A Reason To Survive | ARTS, a nationally recognized non-profit agency dedicated to changing the life trajectory of youth facing adversity through the arts and creativity. D'Arrigo and ARTS were recently featured in the San Diego Tribune in an article highlighting the arts center's newest endeavors.

In addition to national media coverage, D’Arrigo’s work has been the subject of the Academy Award winning documentary “Inocente,” featured in the New York Times best selling book “Decisive” by Chip and Dan Heath, and profiled in Darius Graham’s book “Being the Difference: True Stories of Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things to Change the World”.

D'Arrigo has served on the Arts Education Advisory Council at Americans for the Arts since 2013 and is currently the Vice-Chair.  
