Thursday, March 6, 2014

Portland’s Business for Culture and the Arts (BCA) and the University of Oregon Arts & Administration Program are hosting a series of events for emerging leaders in the arts and in business in Portland, OR on March 6 and 7, 2014.

Americans for the Arts' President and CEO, Bob Lynch, and Field Education and Leadership Programs Manager, Abe Flores, will open the BCA Arts Connector, which builds relationships between young business professionals and nonprofit arts organizations. The Americans for the Arts' pARTnership Movement is an initiative designed to reach business leaders with the message that partnering with the arts to build their competitive advantage. Both Bob and Abe have worked to establish cross-sector relationships to advance the arts in communities.   

The Exploring the Leadership Path Symposium, organized by the University of Oregon, is an interactive half-day conference that offers participants the opportunity to learn about and engage with prominent leaders in the arts and their leadership journey. Bob will share his 39 years of experience in the field and key moments that influenced his path, including his background as an artist, advocate, and leader. During the afternoon, he will lead a private graduate seminar. The seminar hopes to illuminate various paths to leadership in the arts and what lies ahead.