Thursday, October 13, 2016

Molly Sasse French, former executive director of Chattanooga Symphony & Opera, died Oct. 11 in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Sasse French was a good friend to Americans for the Arts, serving on the Board of Directors from 1995-1998.

Sasse French served as executive director of Chattanooga Symphony & Opera from 2007 through early 2016 and was viewed as a “force for the arts” in that city. “She really believed in the arts, whether visual or music or arts education, and she knew how important art education is for kids because of what it did for her,” CSO Board President Don McDowell said.

Among her many honors, Sasse French received Americans for the Arts’ Michael Newton Award in 1997, which recognizes an individual, staff member, or volunteer for innovation in developing private sector partnerships for the arts and/or long-term achievement in effective and creative fundraising techniques. Sasse French was the executive director for Allied Arts in Chattanooga when she was honored.

The board and staff of Americans for the Arts, who remember Sasse French as a staunch advocate, a tireless fundraiser, and a community change agent through the arts, mourn her passing and celebrate her legacy and contributions to strengthening the arts in America.