Friday, August 21, 2015

Have you or your organization recently published a report or essay of importance that you want to be sure to share with the arts field? Have you read a report, essay, or book recently that you want to share with everyone because you found it so valuable? If so, please consider including it in the National Arts Administration and Policy Publications Database and make it available to arts practitioners and researchers for posterity.
This bibliographic database is a highly searchable tool housing abstracts for publications related to arts administration and policy. Documents are organized by categories to help people search and find publication of interest to them. All the documents can be searched by the type or category as well as your typical searches by title, author, publication date, key word, subject, and/or publisher. You can also click one of the Categories in the Browse section (on the left hand navigation) for a full list of all the publications available under that category.
The database contains just under 7,000 records—providing arts administrators, policy researchers, and advocates with comprehensive information on arts policy and practice and arts administration resources. Many of the publications are available for download.
If you have something to add, create an account on the Americans for the Arts website and enter any publication for consideration to the NAAPPD. Help us grow this resource for the arts field!
Please visit the database at