A better world through film and media

Friday, January 16, 2015

Animating Democracy creates a series of brief papers and podcast interviews featuring funders who support arts and culture as a creative strategy to achieve community building and development goals, civic engagement, or social justice goals.

The Fledgling Fund is one of these funders. Fledgling seeks to inspire a better world through supporting documentary filmmakers, and build the evolving field of social justice through film and media. All the films that The Fledgling Fund supports address issues of social justice but their grantmaking is less about a particular cause than about the strategy the filmmaker will follow to prompt change. Fledgling also actively shares its knowledge, experience, and lessons learned to help grantees build the capacity to educate, engage, and track the impact of social issue documentary film. The Fledging Fund has been supporting this type of work through grants since 2005. 

This is one of several Arts for Change Funder Portraits by Animating Democracy - a program of Americans for the Arts. Read the full Profile on Animating Democracy's website, link below. 

Also, litsen to the podcast with Ann McQueen, writer and advisor from McQueen Philanthropic, and author of this Funder Portrait.
