Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Launching today, the third essay in The pARTnership Movement essay series, Foster Critical Thinking, demonstrates how arts partnerships can help a company encourage critical thinking and thereby boost innovation among employees.

The essay features successful case studies from the Innovation Institute, which provides artist-led professional development programs for individuals and teams from various companies within Charlotte metro area and beyond, and from Kohler Co. in Wisconsin (our 2011 BCA 10 Hall of Fame Award recipient). Where the Innovation Institute seeks to reawaken creativity and innovation by bringing businesspeople into an artistic setting, Kohler fosters creativity by bringing artists into the workplace to work alongside employees. Learn more.

Also check out the first and second essays in The pARTnership Movement essay series to learn how the arts can help businesses, recruit and retain talent and put the company in the spotlight.

Do you know of a company that partnered with the arts to foster critical thinking? We want to hear from you! Tell us about it on Twitter using #ArtsandBiz or email us at [email protected].

Read more about how top businesses are partnering with the arts to foster critical thinking.

Learn more about The pARTnership Movement essay series.