Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Americans for the Arts and the National Lieutenant Governors Association (NLGA) presented Illinois Lieutenant Governor Sheila Simon with the Public Leadership in the Arts Award for State Arts Leadership, which honors a public official who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in the advancement of the arts at the state level. Lt. Governor Simon recieved her award at the NLGA's Annual Conference in Oklahoma City on Wednesday, July 17.

Since taking office in January of 2011, Lieutenant Governor Sheila Simon has been a strong and vocal champion for the arts, culture, and arts education in Illinois. As Governor Pat Quinn'€™s point person on education reform, Lt. Governor Simon has helped spearhead efforts to strengthen arts education. Most recently, in June of 2013, Lt. Governor Simon helped launch the Illinois Arts Education Advisory Committee, a diverse and experienced group of leaders tasked with developing a new state-level policy agenda for increasing arts education access, equity, and quality in Illinois.

A musician and artist in her own right, she sings and the plays the banjo and bassoon with her band, Loose Gravel, an eclectic blues and boogie based band with traces of folk, rock, country, funk, and lush vocal harmonies, formed in 1998.

"€œWhen students have access to arts education, they are more successful in and out of the classroom," said Lt. Governor Simon. "€œIt is important that Illinois leaders work together to stabilize the public pension system, preserve funding for education, and allow students to express themselves through art, music, theater, and other programs."

Thank you, Lt. Governor Simon, for being an arts leader and advancing the arts for the state of Illinois!