Thursday, January 10, 2013

On the steps of Brooklyn's Borough Hall earlier today, Americans for the Arts Chief Counsel of Government and Public Affairs Nina Ozlu Tunceli joined Academy Award nominated actress Rosie Perez and New York City Councilman Robert Jackson for a rally to call attention to the fact that Time Warner Cable eliminated Ovation from their cable television line-up on December 31.

While speaking at the podium during the Bring Back Ovation Rally in New York today, Nina was joined by actress Rosie Perez (pictured on the far left) and New York City Councilman Robert Jackson (over Nina's left shoulder).

As a national organization representing more than 250,000 arts advocates and local and state arts agencies in every city and state across the country, Americans for the Arts is very concerned about this action since Ovation is currently the only dedicated arts channel in the United States.

The mission of Americans for the Arts is to increase the American public's access to high-quality arts in our communities, schools, and homes. Ovation has been an incredible partner in helping advance that mission thus far, but we also need Ovation to remain strong and accessible on the television airwaves. There's nothing that will fill the void created by Time Warner Cable's decision.

Today, we encourage our arts advocates to sign the online petition demanding the network be reinstated on Time Warner Cable at!