Tuesday, July 29, 2014

This year's Opening Keynote Address will feature Steve Stoute, Founder and CEO of Translation, former record label executive, and one of the most influential marketing minds of our time. Stoute delivers a wealth of knowledge in the areas of diversity, cultural marketing, and embracing today's generation of globally aware and media-saturated consumers.

Stoute is known for his work with some of the most iconic brands and Fortune 500 companies in the world, including State Farm, McDonald's, and Budweiser. He is responsible for brokering enormously successful celebrity endorsements under Translation, including Jay Z, Beyonce, and Lady Gaga. He is one of Fast Company's 2014 Most Creative People in Business, and Advertising Age's 2013 Executive of the year.

Stoute is the author of The Tanning of America: How Hip Hop Created a Culture that Rewrote the Rules of the New Economy and will be signing copies of his book on-site at the Conference. Check out the trailer for the VH1 Rock Doc based on his book, called The Tanning of America.

Don't miss this opportunity to gain a fresh perspective on your work. Register today!

Photo Credit: Len Irish