Wednesday, June 7, 2017

As employee engagement becomes a priority for companies, many of them are turning to the arts in an effort to fuel attraction and retention, according to Business Contributions to the Arts: 2017 Edition, published by The Conference Board and Americans for the Arts.

Business Contributions to the Arts: 2017 Edition looks at trends in support for the arts from small, midsize, and large US businesses. For the first time since 1969, Americans for the Arts teamed up with The Conference Board to conduct the survey. In addition to the quantitative survey, Americans for the Arts contracted with Shugoll Research to conduct qualitative research to understand businesses’ attitudes about arts philanthropy among current arts donors. 

Learn more about the survey on Monday, June 26 at 3:00pm ET when The Conference Board hosts a webcast on the survey results. They will be discussing new data that covers a range of topics, including trends in arts funding past and present, how the arts fuel employee engagement, which companies are more inclined to support the arts and why, as well as measurement and impact. The webcast is free and open to the public; register here.

To find more information on the survey, visit the pARTnership Movement website.