Friday, July 30, 2021

A painted mural featuring two children under a night sky among flowers, trees, birds, butterflies, and other fauna.

Shooting for the Moon with the STAR Act: How an Arts and Transit Provision was Protected by Lauren Cohen
On the morning of June 30, 2021, a new and unexpected threat to a pro-arts piece of federal legislation became apparent. Arts-related votes on the floor of either chamber of Congress are a rarity, so a dynamic advocacy strategy becomes extremely important when one occurs—and in this case, we marshalled every arts advocacy tool in our war chest in response.

Member Spotlight: Darlene McClinton by Linda Lombardi
Darlene McClinton is the grants manager for ArtsGreensboro, a community-supported nonprofit organization and the largest public and private alliance dedicated to sustaining the Greensboro, North Carolina, arts economy. She also is an artist, educator, entrepreneur, collaborator, ally, and advocate.

Collaborations, Mentorship, and Support for Native Artists on a National Scale by John W. Haworth
The Native Arts and Cultures Foundation is the only national philanthropic organization focused exclusively on Native arts and cultures with a deep commitment to supporting Native artists in a spirit of advancing equity and cultural knowledge for American Indian, Native Hawaiian, and Alaska Native communities.

News Room

Five artists redefine monuments through augmented reality
Created in part as a response to the social justice uprisings of 2020 when many monuments were removed, Monumental Perspectives pays tribute to the surrounding community’s workers and serves as “an otherworldly portal between past, present and future worlds, exploring the continuing presence of an indigenous people native to L.A.”


DIALogues | For the Culture: Creating an Innovative Arts Program from Scratch
How does one create a community-centered, collaborative, meaningful, and impactful arts program – from scratch? Adaobi Okolue, Executive Director + Publisher at the Twin Cities Media Alliance (TCMA), dives deep into how she and her organization curated and cultivated one of their programs, called Our Space is Spoken For.

DIALogues | Move Up, Move Up! Navigating the Arts Field as Emerging Leaders
As a pre-career or emerging leader of color, navigating the arts sector can be tricky and confusing. In this panel discussion, emerging leaders Onyx Montes and Jenee-Daria Strand discuss how their have cemented their pathways in the field and the learning experiences, challenges, and goals they have for their careers.

These sessions are part of the DIALogues Professional Development Collection designed to support college students and emerging leaders underrepresented in arts leadership. Learn more and register for access to the full collection here.

Pictured: “Constellations,” acrylic mural, Nani Chacon (Diné) 2020. Photo courtesy of the Native Arts and Cultures Foundation.