Nov 15, 2016

On Tuesday, November 15, 2016, First Lady Michelle Obama hosted a reception and performance at the White House to honor the 2016 National Arts and Humanities Youth Program Award recipients.

Nov 15, 2016

On Tuesday, November 8, voters in California, Colorado, and Florida cast ballots in favor or against measures to improve access to and support for arts education. Read more information below on the results.



Sahuarita Unified School District—Proposition 451 & 452

Nov 04, 2016

The Arts and Education Council of Greater St. Louis (A&E) and Wells Fargo Advisors recently announced a continued partnership in the areas of arts and culture. Wells Fargo Advisors donated an unrestricted amount of $50,000 to one of the nation’s oldest united arts funds to expand access to creativity, encourage collaboration between diverse cultural genres, and help build capacity among local arts organizations.

Oct 28, 2016

Through a recent donation from the Jennifer Lawrence Foundation, the Jennifer Lawrence Arts Fund at the Fund for the Arts (JLAF) awarded grants totaling over $200,000 to several Greater Louisville arts organizations.

Oct 19, 2016

Colorado Business Committee for the Arts (CBCA) recently released its 2016 Economic Activity Study, which measures the economic impact of the arts on metro Denver, which includes seven counties in the greater Denver area.

Oct 13, 2016

With the goal of artistic literacy for all students in Connecticut, the Connecticut Arts Standards set the guidelines for schools, districts, teachers and communities to develop artistically literate citizens. 

Oct 05, 2016

CODAworx, the hub of the commissioned art economy, announces the winners of the fourth annual CODAawards: Collaboration of Design + Art. The CODAawards recognize collaborations that result in outstanding projects that successfully integrate commissioned art into interior, architectural, or public spaces.

Sep 14, 2016

Louisville, KY, is one of seven cities to receive the 2016 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Culture of Health Prize for the city's efforts to ensure all residents have the opportunity to live longer, healthier, and more productive lives.

Sep 01, 2016

Murals, sculptures and even sound scores adorn our cities, exposing and exploring our histories and cultures. With these Public Art works comes the innate challenge of how to preserve and promote the works themselves, their conceptions and their creators.

Aug 26, 2016

Noah Scalin, artist and co-founder of Another Limited Rebellion, will be the first ever artist-in-residence at the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Business during the upcoming 2016–2017 academic year.
