Nov 15, 2022
Photo looking through large glass windows into an art gallery. Text on the glass reads: Can you see me?

The Arts in Juvenile Justice Working Group is a conglomerate of organizations and stakeholders that are passionate about the Juvenile Justice system, as it relates to the integration of creative arts therapies. Working Group member SkyArt in Chicago provides visual art programming to young people ages 5 to 24 and is currently featuring an exhibition focused on artwork from incarcerated youth and explores the impact that incarceration has on the youth population.

Nov 02, 2022
Night photo of a city building covered in a brightly painted, random pattern.

In Creative Placemaking: Recommendations from and Impact of Six Advisory Services Panels, Urban Land Institute uses six case studies to demonstrate how creative placemaking can spark a cultural rebirth in real estate projects, revitalize communities, and boost returns on investment for developers.

Sep 22, 2022
D Plan Arts Ready logo

By taking preparedness actions and creating a disaster plan, cultural heritage and arts organizations can reduce the risk of disaster and minimize their losses. dPlan|ArtsReady is an online emergency preparedness and response tool for arts and cultural organizations—regardless of size, scope, or discipline—to prevent or mitigate disasters, prepare for the most likely emergencies, respond quickly to minimize damage, and recover effectively while continuing to provide services to your community.

Sep 13, 2022
Logo for GIVE - Growing Inclusivity for Vibrant Engagement

GIVE (Growing Inclusivity for Vibrant Engagement), created by New Victory and a consortium of teaching artists and arts administrators, is a free guide that supports Teaching Artists in the creation of liberated learning environments and vibrant arts experiences within inclusion settings.

Jul 19, 2022
Logo for Creative Stays, which resembles a vintage motel sign with its font and diamond shape. Below the logo text reads: Artistic itineraries in and around Colorado Springs.

The Cultural Office of the Pikes Peak Region recently launched Creative Stays to attract cultural tourists to Colorado Springs and the surrounding community. Perfect for out-of-town visitors and local residents, Creative Stays offers a variety of new ways to explore and enjoy some of the wonderful attractions and amenities that the Pikes Peak region has to offer.

Jun 23, 2022
CELC logo, white text on an orange background

Registration is now open for the Cultural Equity Learning Community 2.0, a two-unit, asynchronous anti-racism course for arts and culture leaders committed to building intersectional racial equity. Two cohorts (Summer and Fall 2022) are currently offered with a sliding scale payment structure. Registration closes on Wednesday, July 13 for the Summer cohort, and on Wednesday, Aug. 31 for the Fall cohort.

Jun 16, 2022
Rainbow colored logo for the Prang Art Teacher of the Year.

Ten art teachers that have made significant contributions in the lives of their students by advancing art education and inspiring self-expression through art will be recognized and receive a year’s supply of art products for their art room. Anyone may nominate an art teacher currently teaching in the United States by July 31, 2022.

Jun 06, 2022
Report cover with text that reads: The American Rescue Plan Act, Promoting Equity through ARPA Implementation. The United States Conference of Mayors, June 2022.

In collaboration with The Kresge Foundation, the U.S. Conference of Mayors released a new report, “Promoting Equity through ARPA Implementation,” which documents 20 city case studies and details how mayors are using State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to invest in underserved populations and address the disproportionate impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on low and moderate-income people and communities of color.

May 26, 2022
Multi-colored line drawing of a person crouching and reaching out to a dog that stands on its hind legs. Below are logos for Corel and Americans for the Arts. Text reads: In a divided world, here’s one way you can Draw Us Together.

#DrawUsTogether is an innovative new global initiative created by Corel designed to flood social media with follow-worthy creations that spread joy and give people a sense of unity. For every piece of unique artwork shared using the #DrawUsTogether hashtag, Corel will donate $1 up to $50,000 to Americans for the Arts.

Apr 25, 2022
Bird's eye view of a city street with a colorfully painted striped mural on the median where people stand and walk bikes.

Can art improve roadway safety? A new report examines the impact of art in the streetscape by comparing historical crash rates and real-time behavior of motorists and pedestrians at 22 “asphalt art” sites before and after the projects were installed, with illuminating results.
