Friday, February 4, 2022

Image of seven colorful puzzle pieces fitted together under the header "Federal Creative Economy Legislation"

Arts advocacy on Capitol Hill is gaining momentum!

There is now more pro-creative economy legislation being considered by Congress than at any other point in U.S. history. In the last several months arts advocates have been working with members of Congress to introduce an historic lineup of pro-arts legislation.

Seven bills, introduced over the last year, together map a new, more equitable and impactful policy landscape for creative businesses and workers. Were all these bills to pass into law, they would improve the lives of all Americans by opening billions of dollars in investment opportunity for creative businesses and entrepreneurs, expanding opportunity for current and future workers, and boosting the U.S. economy. They are:

  • Comprehensive Resources for Entrepreneurs in the Arts to Transform the Economy Act (CREATE Act)
  • Promoting Local Arts and Creative Economy Workforce Act (PLACE Act)
  • 21st Century Federal Writers Project Act (21CFWP)
  • Creative Economy Revitalization Act (CERA)
  • Performing Arts Tax Parity Act (PATPA)
  • Saving Transit Arts Resources Act (STAR Act)
  • Arts Education for All Act (AEFA)

The bills are summarized in a 4-page explainer, and arts organizations can add their support for each bill via this online form which will help increase congressional support. Pro-arts individuals can take action directly via the Arts Action Center by contacting their member of Congress and requesting that they co-sponsor the legislative proposals.

Image of puzzle pieces fitting together and representing each of the seven pro-creative economy bills currently in Congress.

Collectively these bills have received over 400 endorsements to date from organizations in the creative sector and also labor, housing, community development, planning, and business. Some of the driving organizations include: the Get Creative Workers Working Coalition, Be An Arts Hero/Arts Workers United, the Performing Arts Alliance, Americans for the Arts, the National Association of Music Merchants, Grantmakers in the Arts, the Freelancers Union, the American Planning Association, the National Alliance of Economic and Community Development Associations, and Transportation 4 America/SmartGrowth America.